So this is the new year.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 22:14
Wow, another year has come and gone. And Amirul, Tiara, Sulaiman, Cik Wati and Cik Alan has come and gone too. I already miss them D: Oh and Faiz made a note for me for new year's. Such a nice
and irritating cousin. He made me post it and told me to keep it as my desktop picture till his birthday, 29th Jan. :O
(And yes, Murnira and Sara, it's teddy bear.)Click on it to enlarge ;D

My reply;
I'm aki and I'm posting on my blog, hee. Anyway, thanks a... lot (!!) to Faiz for the sweet sweet note. Love you cuz! Haha, anyway, here's the full 'letter' reply.
The first thing I saw when I opened my laptop was, WHERE THE HELL IS MY HOT RYO BACKGROUND?! -gasp!- Which happens to be this picture. And in its place is that note up there. I was sad. That Ryo background hadn't even last for a week. Haha, you know your note totally boosted my ego. By thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much. Maybe more but too many small 'i's make my head spin.
Firstly, thanks for all the compliments like 'smart', 'cute', 'funny' and 'still smart'. Heh >:} Yay yay yay yay yay yoshaaaaaa! (Ego moment here) But what's with all the '(and much cute)', '(and still cute)', '(and way cuter)' and finally, the one after your name '(still cute)'? Haha, I get the point. Darn, you should've seen the way you slept in the 858 just now. HAAHAHAHAAH I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF. DAMN HILARIOUS! Okayla, you're cute, BABY cute :D
Oh, second paragraph, 'TRUE HORROR!!' I was eight/nine! And the house was creepy, and I could have sworn I saw the toilet door move on its own. And I was scared. WHATTTT. I WAS YOUNG. -no more comments- Haha and about the 'Nak jadi hero tapi act macam zero' thingy. Forgiven, I'm not one of those to actually hold grudges for that long. But if you do hit me like that again, I'll smash a guitar over your head then you know. :D An electric one.
YOU are fifteen, I'm fourteen. Ne~ 'I would go for her but didn't think I could have a chance since she goes for smarter guys' Haha, if you weren't my cousin, maybe lah. MAYBE. Haha, who said I only like smart guys? Does Tom Kaulitz happen to hold any bachelor degrees or something? I'm not Sumire-chan can xD (Watch Kimi wa Petto then you know.) My ex-crush was from EM3! And I was in EM1. Gasp. Haha. See, it's the personality that counts.
'and she has this thing call agreement that she and a friend wouldn't go for a relationship till JC.' Yes, Mur, it's still on. Doudemoii. >:} The line after that. Maybe if someone tried hard enough he might. But after JC1. 'but she still has a crush on a guy though , ASK HER FOR MORE INFO !!' And my current crush, well, -raises eyebrows-. Well well well. Thanks for publicizing it eh. -.-
I have finally finished writing this for you. Thanks for waking me up in the middle of the night listening to you and Adee talking eh. It's only 2214 now but I am totally woozy.
♥, AKI
2215 hours
I'm finally done. Happy new year peeps.
"So this is the new year And I have no resolutions For self assigned penance For problems with easy solutions"-The New Year, Death Cab for Cutie
If you love someone, learn to let go. If he loves you, he'll come back.
My cat proved this is true countless of times.Labels: cousin, letter, missing, New Year
The echoes fill your soul.
@ 14:57
Labels: gone, school
Would get back to me.
@ 00:27
WHOO. INDIANA JONES MOVIE MARATHON AT TWELVE. AWESOMEZX.I thought it was Indiana Jones. It happened to be Tomb Raider and now I'm back up here to finish up my
Nobuta Wo Produce :D
Labels: Indiana Jones, movies
Durch den monsoon.
@ 00:19
I sincerely thought it was ten. What the hell. And it feels like some whirwind just hit this bedroom. Whoa. It's called cousins. Live with it. And stinky bomb fart.
Labels: fart, holy crap
This used to be our secret.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 @ 12:44
WTH. I AM SUPPOSED TO CLEAN THE HOUSE BEFORE I GO OUT. And my sisters totally left all the work for me, they left the house without doing anything! WTH. And according to some bitch online, who apparently wants to fuck me
(FUCK YOU was what she said), I am going to be grounded after I send Cik Wati home tomorrow. WHAT THE HELL.
And all I did was come home 5 minutes after ten. And it was not even wayyyy past curfew, ten o'clock. AND I NEED TO DO THE HOUSEWORK AND GET GROUNDED?!
Totally fucking unreasonable, bastard. All he said was, "Get home before I get home" and he didn't even tell me what time HE was reaching home. GRRRRR.
Thenghui's blog url just reminded me to go eat. Badly drawn TOAST. Yum.Labels: pissed, random
We all want something else.
@ 10:16
HOMG FARAH'S NEW HOUSE IS DAMN NICE. I shall go crash there one day after everything is done ::D Oh and for those who likes fun, Farah's house is
very parkour-able. Especially her parents' bedroom balcony and the top staircase area ;D
Amirul and family is going back tomorrow D: OH NO, I HAVEN'T KICKED HIM YET. D:
Nor have I personally harassed his hair. D: (Done, yay) :D Or camwhored with him D: OH man, damn I'll miss that cousin of mine.
That is until I go to Brighton in 2011. :D Contributions anyone?
Oh yes, Kame.
I personally like this one, cause he looks like some teenager.
A damn hot teen.

While he just looks very hot here. Editing is superb, thanks, whoever!

And omg, he is so pretty also. Especially with this kind of background.

I wouldn't recognise him if he wears like that. At all.
Oh and I prefer the second picture, he looks younger ;D

That's all :D
Labels: Brighton 2011, Farah's house, home, Kamenashi Kazuya
Even now, just looking at you feels wrong.
Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 22:51
First, tags. WALAO EH, MURNIRA AND SARA SPAM LIKE CRAZY. But I like, so keep on :::D In order for you guys to make sense what they are talking about, I shall show you what they are talking about.
Pictures first ne~
Power Ranger suit eh? Looks more like the janitors.
(Unless it's the wrong pic la.)

HAHA SO CUTE -poke, poke, pokepokepokepoke-

OMG RYO OMG. What are you oh-am-gee ing at anyway? O.O

He looks so damned cool here. I want that t-shirt.

I couldn't be happier ^^

I'd let him play the guitar for me anyday.

Reminds me of Sho's D: face.

Now two, hot, not so embarrassing pictures of Ryo ;D

I'd like to adopt those specs.

Post videos some other day.
Labels: Matsu Jun, Ryo Nishikido
You've got the wrong number, so don't call me no more.
Saturday, December 27, 2008 @ 22:43
I FINALLY GOT A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. A pretty pretty dolphin necklace, from a family friend. It's damn pretty! And a bar of chocolate. Yum ;D
Darn it's so cold in here.
Who's smart idea was it to switch on the aircon?
Oh, yeah, my dad's. >.< >
Oh I found a new love interest.♥
Kame. :D
Labels: Christmas present, cold, necklace
Get away, I've gotta get away.
@ 08:43
I just uploaded a... lot of pictures onto my friendster. And set my friendster to unprivate since there's nothing private about my friendster. :D
I AM BORED. LALALALA. LA. Random picspam anyone? I wonder if I put
will they find me on Google? HMMMM I WONDER. I shall post this and try ;D ROCLMAO. 8D
Let's begin

I have to give Bill credit for smiling to such an extent. Really.

Is it just me or does Tom have the same pervertic-like smile Riida has?

Okay I don't think it's me.
Cute smile. Fell in love with that. Ah~

Ah, whatever, back to... (Did I just whatever Ryo? Yes I did D:)

TOKIO HOTEL :D Bill looks damn skinny, in skinnies. HAHA.

How can there be such drool worthy twins? (!!)

TOM... Ah~ -drools-
I love his lip piercing a lot. Okay, fine, I like guys with lip piercings. WHUT?

And Bill, aaaaaaah -drools-
Oh and he looked very very very very VERY hot in Monsoon video.

He evolved from this. Nice hair and freaky weird you're-gonna-die eyes.

Do they even look like twins to you?
(And this shows how long Tom has had that lip piercing.)

Their very first album cover. All still so young. AWWW.

Now it's the second edition. Half grown up.

Woah and now ah, WOAH. HOT. >.<> I think Georg also quite hot.

And now, it's back to Ryo :D
I'd love love love love to hug him
Reminds me of my cat. O.O
Not YOUR shy type. Pffft. Shy? Yeah right. Adorable AH.

I'd like to adopt the dog and ask him how was it taking a picture with RYO.

I need to get more and more of Ryo's peace/constipated pictures.
They make me laugh like crazy!

It's not half as random man. It's more to Tokio Hotel and Ryo what. And there's gonna be more. After I compile all the pictures I find. Okay now, I should go and finish viewing the
Jun picspam and
Ryo picspam. :D
Time after time,And nothing has changed,Day after day,And we're still the same,And now I feel,That I'm gonna break, Cause I just cannot wait to repeat yesterday.I am damn bored. And I feel like I'm gonna breakdown cause I can't go to this Christmas party cause my ezlink is brokee. D':
Labels: bored, picspam, Ryo Nishikido, sad, Tokio Hotel
Before it's too late.
Friday, December 26, 2008 @ 17:56
Wokay, I am disappointed. Honestly, very disappointed. No move to talk to me, fine. Just perfectly normally fine. The whole world can just go to hell, for all I care tonight. Except Internet and my cat.
And if our final day has come, let's pretend to carry on. And if the end has now begun. Live on.What I say: ASDFGHJKLWTFYOUSUCK>:}
Maybe iCarly will cheer me up. Or maybe Tom Kaulitz will. Or just Tokio Hotel songs. Or maybe Arashi's antics. Oh what the hell, I have other stuff to cheer me up. No thanks to you.
Ps. I have no idea what I said. Damn I'm random. AAAAAAAAAAARGH. Don't mind me.
Labels: Random.
The horizons seems to disappear.
@ 14:19
I am obsessed with taking pictures of my cat. I love her too much. LOVE KITTY LOVE♥

I have 55 more pictures of her, who wants to see? zD And
most all of the pictures are almost professionally taken. By me. >:}
Labels: ♥, Kitty, love, obsessed
In your head, they're fighting.
@ 12:57
I teared while listening to this song. It is so heart shattering and it's lyrics are so beautiful. -heart melts- (I have Don't Forget The Lyrics to thank for introducing this song. And yes, it was yesterday's episode.) :D
It's about the war. About the soldiers that are there. I hate wars. And how could that don't forget the lyrics guy get 'theme' wrong? :O It's such a memorable word.
Zombie - The Cranberries
Another head hangs lowly,Child is slowly taken.And the violence caused such silence,Who are we mistaken?But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.In your head, in your head they are fighting,With their tanks and their bombs,And their bombs and their guns.In your head, in your head, they are crying...In your head, in your head,Zombie, zombie, zombie,Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,In your head,Zombie, zombie, zombie?Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...Another mother's breakin',Heart is taking over.When the vi'lence causes silence,We must be mistaken.It's the same old theme since nineteen-sixteen.In your head, in your head they're still fighting,With their tanks and their bombs,And their bombs and their guns.In your head, in your head, they are dying...In your head, in your head,Zombie, zombie, zombie,Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,In your head,Zombie, zombie, zombie?Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh,Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey, oh, ya, ya-a...-
And then omg, this is the kinda song that if I don't listen everyday, I'm okay. But once I start listening to it, it'd be on over and over again. I love the part they scream, literally, after 'now freeze'. Classic.
Men In Black - Forever The Sickest Kids
(Originally by Will Smith)
here come the men in's the MIBs, uh, here come the come the men in black.they won't let you remember, no.nah nah nah,the good guys dress in black, remember that.just in case we're ever face-to-face and make contact.the title held by me, MIB,means what you think you saw... you didn't don't blink, b, what was there is now suits with the black ray bans on.walk in shadow, move in silence.guard against extra terrestrial violence.yo, we ain't on no government list,we straight don't exist, no names and no fingerprints.saw something strange, watch your back,'cause you never quite know where the MIBs at, come the men in black,galaxy come the men in black.they won't let you remember, no.uh huh, now, from the deepest of the darkest night,on the horizon, bright light enters the sight, tight.cameras zoom on the impending doom,but then- like boom, black suits fill the room up.with the quickness, talk with the witnesses.hypnotizer, neuralizer-vivid memories turn to fantasies.ain't no MIBs, can i please?do what we say, that's the way we kick it.y'know what i mean?see my noisy cricket get wicked on ya.we're your first, last, and only line of defenseagainst the worst scum of the universe.don't fear us, cheer us,if you ever get near usdon't jeer us, we're fearless.MIBs freezin' up all the flack,what's that stand for?"men in black".let me see ya bounce with me,just bounce with me, just bounce it with me.c'mon, let me see ya just slide with me,just slide with me, just slide with me.c'mon, let me see ya take a walk with me,just walk with me, take a walk with me.c'mon, make your neck work,now come the men in black,galaxy come the men in black.they won't let you remember, no.alright check it, slow down,'re worryin' about the wrong thing, pimp.whoa, that's awesome, bro.817, FTSK. -
Whoo. I know new songs. But still, TOKIO HOTEL FTW.♥♥♥ And their German songs are like, whoo, awesome. ^^ (Okay fine, it's Bill's voice and his accent. But TOM still. :D)
Oh and
Tom Kaulitz wishes you Merry Christmas. 
Quite Belated but ah heck.)
Hint: Look at his hat/cap/beanie/whatever it's called. >:}
Labels: Christmas, Forever The Sickest Kids, song(s), The Cranberries, Tokio Hotel FTW, Tom Kaulitz
Turn around; I've lost my ground.
Thursday, December 25, 2008 @ 12:53
Merry Christmas. I don't really celebrate it, so I don't see a need to bold and colour it. Heck.
I downloaded Guitar Pro 5, (like finally) and have no idea whatsoever on how to work that darned thing. I guess I'll have to ask my cousin. I really want to learn to play the guitar but I am just too lazy to try hard. Maybe when Adee gets back the guitar from another cousin, I'll try hard. MAYBE.
I am bored to the max that I think I'm gonna die soon.
-eyes start rolling into the back of head like a scene from some gore movie--
I shall be a meanie and remind you this:
In the meantime, have a merry christmas and a happy new year. Oh yeah, Diyana's birthday. Shootzx. And Ayah still won't let us go out. Asshole. Sh, don't tell him I said that.
Labels: birthday, Christmas, finally, New Year, school starts
You should've said no.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 @ 16:31
CHINA PICTURES ARE UP. (Well, mine anyway.)
Press the link or copy/paste.Labels: china trip pictures
To me, you'll be forever sacred.
@ 10:39
For Hanisah, the person with no life who blog hops a lot, I shall post a lot of random points. Haha :D-
I keep on thinking, "Why do random people always view me on friendster?" At angklung on monday, Nishan said to me "Eh, Siti. I've been using your friendster lately to view people's profiles." And I realized, "OH YAHLAH, she has my password. No wonder!" I am so slow. But I still love you Nishan :D-
I am utterly disappointed. How can school start next friday?! :OOOOOO I haven't had a long good break yet!-
Okay, yesterday, I dragged Murnira and Sara to go to Vivo with me and my cousins. And they have a comment, WE ROCK. Yes, that's what they said. I am such a lucky bitch. Heh.And oh yes, why is it that I am the early one? Even when I am late, all the others are later than me, which makes me the early one. >.< > Take yesterday for an instance, we were supposed to meet at 1.30 at Jurong Point, I came at two, but everyone else came at 2.30. What the hell.-
I am going to die. Gack. One word: Homework. Gack.-
It's fun ranting. I am gonna rant now. I hate you. A lot. :} And your current flirt.-
Give me any good reason why I should not die over and over again while watching Arashi or Ryo or Tokio Hotel. HAHAH OMG SO HOTTT~ (Fangirly joy, yes.)-
When you were young.
When you were happy.
When you were cool.
And when you are hot. I LOVE YOU <3>But don't be ego, I still love Jun more. xD OOOOH, What a colourful post ;D
Labels: a lot of tags, Aiba Masaki, Angklung, Arashi, colourful, cousins, D:, die, friendster, gack, HAHA(:, hate, issues, random, rant, Ryo Nishikido, school, tarian, Tokio Hotel
A world that's upside down.
Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 16:55
I guess no one read my blog. It's boring, no tags to reply. Screw shit. Anyway,
one two Arashi videos that'll make you crack. Hee.
Arashi - Kotoba Yori Taisetsuna Mono
Arashi - Happiness
I shall not go on about how insignificant I feel as an Arashi fan. I mean, a zillion and one other girls out there are crazy fangirls and I am just like them. And then, some more to get into an Arashi concert you must be in your country's official fanclub and must have spent hundreds on their merchandises before you can get in. Like I am that rich la. Oh and your name must be registered if you want to get in, you can't get the ticket from another person. Let's just say that is total bullcrap.
I definitely won't get in the concert with some sappy blogpost that no one reads. Sigh. Did I just tell you how insignificant I feel as an Arashi fan? I guess I did. D':
Labels: Arashi, sappy, sigh
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
Sunday, December 21, 2008 @ 21:38
Wow, haha. I can't stop blogging. Quiz now, to kill time 8D (Cause videos refuse to load. Bitch bitch bitch gah.)
-koped from Natalya :D, even though I did do this before-
Here's what you do:
1. Put your MP3 player (Ipod or whatever) on shuffle.
2. For each question you write down the name of the song then hit the next button for the next question.
3. Tag at least 10 friends.
5. Put the artist down too.
MY NOTE: I have 1795 songs in my iTunes. More than half are what my sister listens to. I don't really listen to all of them. I just like expanding my music library xD1. IF SOMEONE SAYS "ITS OK" YOU SAY?
There's A Class For This - Cute Is What We Aim For
There's a class for being okay or not? Woah. Don't make me think man.2. WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY?
Bulimic - The Used
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
Maybe if you look at the lyrics, it will make more sense.4. HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY?
The Fever - The Academy Is...
Haha, woah, kay... xD I realized I haven't been listening to The Academy Is.5. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE?
She Likes Me For Me - Third Eye Blind
Just be yourself I guess.6. WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO?
I Know What You Buried Last Summer - Taking Back Sunday vs. Senses Fail
Hehe, I know right right.7. WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU?
This Is Usually The Part Where People Scream - Alesana
"Usually", so it means I don't scream which means I am unusual slash unique? COOL 8D8. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN?
1000 Oceans - Tokio Hotel
I don't travel by ship, at all.9. WHAT IS 2+2?
Wrong Number - DBSK
Hello - Evanescence
This Love You Breath - Eyes Set To Kill
"Choking on your fear, you no longer see so clearly" He tends to lose himself and be at a loss for words. Really. Sigh.12. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY?
The White One Is Evil - Elliot Minor
Elliot Minor is a band. Hm, so black is better?13. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?
In Memorium In Advance - From First To Last
I want to be remembered, nice(:14. WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE?
Forgotten - Linkin Park
Ehhhhh? I don't get it >.<>15. WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU?
This Is The New Shit - Marilyn Manson
HAHA I rule your asses. HAH. "Rebel rebel... Don't forget the violence. Are you mf ready for the new shit?!"16. WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING?
Midnight Lights - Cardinal Avenue
Cool title. Maybe we will dance by midnight lights :D17. WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?
Memories That Fade Like Photographs - All Time Low
I don't want to be forgotten when I die D:18. WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST?
Be My Escape - Relient K
Woahkay. "I admit I'm every bit deserving." Being ego? xD19. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET?
Miss Independant - Kelly Clarkson
Wow, what a secret *.*20. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOU FRIENDS?
It's So Hard To Live - Tokio Hotel
So Young, So Sick - The Mile After
Wow, being young and sick could be the worst thing that could happen? Half makes sense.22. HOW WILL YOU DIE?
Your Star - Evanescence
It totally doesn't describe how I will die. Really.23. WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET?
Neighbours - The Academy Is...
Yes, I regret leaving my neighbours back there at CCK! D:24. WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH?
Glorious - Muse
Er, sometimes I wonder why I even have these kinda songs.25. WHAT MAKES YOU CRY?
Naked Peekaboo - The Academy Is... and Cupids Chokehold
Cubicles - My Chemical Romance.
Chelsea Smile - Bring Me The Horizon
When Chelsea smiles? Who the hell is Chelsea anyway? O.O28. DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU?
Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
Strength Of The World - Avenged Sevenfold
Yes, we need a stronger world.30. WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW?
Penelope (Pinback Cover) - Saosin
Penelope is hurting? Ohemgee really? Who is she? 8DOkay I'm done.
Labels: blogspam, bored, sarcasm
I don't want to hear it no more.
@ 21:17
I've been listening to Love Story on repeat. An unlikely song of my choice but ah well. It's better than Katy Perry's techno/trance/electronica. No offence but I just don't really like her songs. (And right now, Internet is being a half bitch. Grrrr.)
I guess I'm just rambling on and on about how life totally half sucks right now and I'm feeling way neutral. And how no one actually bothers to read this cause they don't really bother checking up even though I do post every single day. And how I am drifting away from some people while I have lost others. Sentence structure? I miss Insyirah. Wow. How random was that? Well, let me monologue and say,
very random.
And if you guys, reader/ someone realised, if the apocalypse were to happen, it'd be exactly four years from now, no? Twenty first december. OH AND YEA! Three days to the genuine, original AIBA MASAKI'S BIRTHDAY!
Fun Facts about Aiba: (koped from Wiki. Serious.)
* Often referred to as Aiba-chan and Aibaka.
* His family owns a Chinese restaurant named Keikarou in his hometown somewhere in the Chiba Prefecture. His father is the chef.
* He is very proud to come from Chiba and often proclaims it in interviews.
* Aiba is a fan of TOKIO, another Johnny's Entertainment band.
* He enjoyed playing the saxophone, but stopped due to health reasons.
* Aiba sleeps with a HUGE stuffed animal dog every night, even when on tour.
* Aiba's least favorite season of the year is spring because he suffers from highfever.
* Aiba has a very noticeable birthmark on his left shoulder.
* Aiba joined Johnny's Jimusho for two reasons:
1. He is a huge Miyake Ken fan
2. He has a huge obsession with basketball. He saw Johnny's idols (SMAP) playing basketball on the TV "I Love SMAP", and thought that he'd get to play basketball with them if he joined. After asking some female classmates for their advice, he sent an application to join. It was not until he was asked to audition did Aiba realize Johnny's Jimusho trained young boys to dance and sing.
* Aiba once suffered from pneumothorax, the collapse of one lung due to immense pressure change in the chest cavity caused by trauma or a spontaneous rupture in the lung. Symptoms include shortness of breath and severe chest pain when breathing. Aiba-chan's lung collapsed during a saxophone practice session. He was hospitalized for 4 days and went through an operation, and now has a scar on his right chest from the operation.
* According to one of Aiba-chan's interviews, the most bizarre gift that he ever received on his 20th birthday was a walking stick, given to him by none other than his own leader, Ohno Satoshi!
* Aiba follows Sho even in his dreams. Sho talks in his sleep about Aiba. Once saying “Let Aiba sleep!” The other time he said in his sleep to Ohno that he should go and wake Aiba instead.
* Halfway watching movie “I am Sam”, he left the cinema because the story was too tragic.
* He loves to read sports manga but despises shoujo manga because he claims to be afraid of " the big watery eyes". Aiba confessed in an interview that sometimes while reading manga, he gets emotional and cries-- especially when he sees people "trying their best". He also reads manga before he goes to sleep and brings manga with him in his bag.
* He eats the most among all the members: can’t stop eating between meals (according to Sho), eats two bentos a day (according to Jun), after having a sushi meal with one of the Tokio members, he still ordered a large set meal (according to Ohno).
* Nino said he’ll always memorise his line before movie shooting starts, but Sho says Aiba memorises his lines AFTER shooting.
* His birthdate was decided by his mom who wanted to give birth at Christmas eve no matter what.
* Once he tried going into hotspring bath when he was really really sleepy. He slept halfway through and nearly drowned, fortunately his family members saved him in the end.
* Everyone agrees that it is impossible for Aiba to accomplish two things at the same time.
* After he starts drinking, he would start taking off his shirt and run around. Sho mentioned about it before.
* Aiba loves to bounce around during concerts and often commits mistakes in his choreography.
* He loves animals and claims to have the ability to "speak to them."
* He is terribly afraid of Kangaroos. This is because of his encounter with a kangaroo called "Hacchi" in the weekly variety show "Shimura Zoo"
* Aiba doesn't like snakes.
Okay now we all love Aiba don't we?
Labels: Aiba Masaki, bored, random
What would you do?
@ 13:31
I am blogging for the third time today. This proves that I am really bored. And I have to switch off the com now cause apparently I have been using it for over 1 hour already, by order of my aunt. May I just say (again) that the ECP pictures just refuses to upload? Asshole. Really. ARGH. This is killing me. ARGH. Bye. Not really bye yet.
I refuse to leave my blogger. Nor do I want to stop writing. I should write in my diary now but I don't like to write in it. I tend to write stuff that makes me feel awfully guilty. I really should go, otherwise my aunt will hunt me down, or scream at me. -shivers- I am really really bored. Just so you know, er, uhh, ahhhh. Nothing. Haha, really nothing.
Oh yes, why are there minimal number of tags. Tag please tag tag tag tag. I keep on looking over my shoulder just in case my aunt barges in, gasp please. Aiyoh, I think like this ah, I'll just write in my diary or finish up my project. Yes I have a project, laugh all you want. But it's a worthwhile project. Yay. Or not. I guess I'm ranting badly right now.
Ouch, big headache now. So many words. Ah.
Labels: bored, rant
All there's left to do is run.
@ 12:16
I want Taylor Swift's album. Someone, get me zD Seems so nice. And again, internet is being a bloody bitch for not uploading my pictures fast >.< Yes, I'm bored. Blah~
Labels: bitch, bored
I'm gonna close my eyes.
@ 12:05

Haha, cool right right? XD
Labels: shaleen, tag
Cause I'm alright, I'm fine.
Saturday, December 20, 2008 @ 20:03

YMC today, okay la. OKAY LA. Some points -
2. Sab's tights are nice to pull at.
3. We should appreciate the fact that Sara took food for us.
4. Piggy back rides are kemawesome zD
5. Don't expect to take neoprints at Tiong Bahru plaza anymore, zilch zero none. >:/
6. Er, free food? Again?
7. HAHA OH YEAH AH "Are you free tomorrow? I'm free but my name is not Free." XD
(I'm starting to tell lame jokes like Aliah! ZOMG)8. Bullying Oh-chan is fun HEH >:)
9. And as some of you know, I've been asking this...
WHO WANTS TO CONTRIBUTE TO MY LONDON 2011 FUND? I'd be very grateful ::D VERY. Honto ni!
I'm at home alone, I am relatively frightened. And that's why I'm blasting music ;D I've been playing Avril's 'Freak Out' on repeat. Cause that's how I feel like right now.
Cause I'm alright, I'm fineJust freak out, let it goI'm gonna live my lifeI can't ever run and hideI won't compromiseCause I'll never knowI'm gonna close my eyesI can't watch the time go byI won't keep it insideFreak out, let it goJust freak out, let it gozD
Labels: home alone, points, YMC
We have made it through.
Friday, December 19, 2008 @ 13:48
AISHITERU. <3> (and whatever that was said on MSA2 blog)
Labels: birthday