Hold on to these moments.

tales| protagonist| intermission

And may you have a good day too, sire.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 12:04

The Used's latest albums, Lies For The Liars, has awesome songs! Go listen!
Recommendation: Devil Beside You, Hospital, Find A WayBefore I begin, let me just say
(Yay, hari ini last day puasa!)

I was practically going to every single person, even non-muslims, and saying "Selamat Hari Raya" to all of them. Tanaya's reaction was super blur man.

Tanaya: *thinks for awhile* But I'm not muslim!

See what I mean. Oh and the common misconception is that Hari Raya Aidilfitri is New Year's. Haha, it is not. It is just the celebration for the end of the fasting month. :D Then on the way up to class, I was walking beside Nishan and she just started hitting me with her book. Then Adelia came over and hit me too. So we started hitting each other with our books. In the end, me and Adelia tag-teamed against Nishan cause we had the same hairstyle. HAHA OMG AWESOME.

Then when Ms Azrina came in, we all started to salam her. Damn cool. If I'm not wrong, that was the first ever time we salam her. Haha, we did our own studying. Then Malay came. We watched Wujud2. I don't think it was scary but there was a lesson to be learnt: You mess with the supernatural, they'll mess with your head. Seriously. Even though I'm not strong in religion and stuff, my father told me a lot of stuff that will prove useful for me in the future. Haha, so yeah, then took the train home with Emira, Dini, Addie, Nurul, Atikah, Shasha, Natasha and Haziqah. And WALA, here I am.

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it just sucks. :/
Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 06:29

It sucks when your parents are divorced. It sucks more when they are not on speaking terms. They live at the opposite ends of Singapore and travelling so far to either ends is such a nuisance. My father just refuses to talk to our mum since whenever she meets him, she always nags too much. And thus we can't have even one decent family outing without a single squabble. Well, we hadn't had any since the divorce anyway. Father doesn't allow us to meet mom, so we tell him we're going to go to the library. And mother expects us to tell father we're going out with her, so we just told her he knew. Damn, all those lies that come up just for family's sake. Seriously, it will all come to light one day. And when that day comes, I know I'd be toast. But for now, I just want a family photo of just the five of us. Can't we?

And you know what sucks the most?
Finally get to sleep in for another hour and your bloody younger sister calls you. She tells you to throw down her ezlink card that she meticulously forgot to bring. You tell her, in your half-asleep mode, to come up and get it. But no, she says it's a waste of time. Then you start shouting in the phone about how bloody forgetful she is and quickly go on a treasure hunt to find it. Apparently, she left in on your bedroom desk. So you grab it and this is how the conversation goes...

You: Okay do you see my hand? *waves hand furiously outside window*
Your sister: Yeah yeah I do.
You: Okay I'm throwing it down. *throws down card*

And you start cursing, really loudly, into your phone and in front of your sixth level bedroom window, like some madman. You just start swearing into the phone to your sister about being such a doodle head for suggesting such a doodle head idea. Finally, she tells you she found the card. You immediately hang up on her. And start swearing, again, about how many minutes of sleep you lost. Really really enraged, you text her a very mean message. That's how much it sucks.

And trust me, it did happen. Since it's only 6.29. In the morning. -insert swear word here-

Random today facts:
1) My baju raya is BLUE :DDD A very pretty pretty blue, with a kain songket.
2) My mom is still keeping my late grandmother's engagement baju kurung and she is handing it over to me! :OOO AWESOME!
3) 4 more posts to the 200th post.


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Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 11:35

oh no. Literature FYE's tomorrow and I have yet to study. I think I'm gonna die. Darn it Internet. Why are you so bloody distracting? Seriously.

"It's in your head, all the voices mistaken.
Shake it off, shake it off.
We're all dying in the end."


And I'm gone.

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hell man.
Saturday, September 27, 2008 @ 14:54

I changed blogskin. Wheee. Note: I LOVE YOU SABREENA FOR HELPING ME! Thank you! <3 It's my blog's 'birthday' on Monday the 29th. So I'm blogging in advance. Haha, okay. So happy a year anniversary blogg.

Haha. anyway,

Okay okay. Bye. It's called housework time.

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@ 14:46


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Win some or learn some.
Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 11:03

Don't you think Quinn Allman is hot?(Haha, he looks a bit like H. Especially the hair part.)
And I think Theoretical Girl is very pretty too. I love her dress.
Haha, Niveetha and Nishan make such a weird pair. Yesterday, they fought using paint, today, blue pens. xD I finished my dedication letter to Hui Wei, I think I did it damned cooled. Not to be ego, but yes. It was a very pretty dedication letter, okay. All green. :D Darn it, Internet connection is bloody slow here.

People, listen to Pretty Handsome Awkward by The Used. Then listen to Honor by Atreyu. Their beginnings are eeriely similar. From Honor: "Like a whisper to the dusk. An oath against the shadows, denying the dark. Like a prayer unto the dawn. in arms against the shadows, destroying the dark."

OMFGZZ, I created a whole new playlist of songs! Haha, it's too cool for you. And it has only 24 songs :DDD
  1. Pretty Handsome Awkward - The Used.
  2. Honor - Atreyu
  3. I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
  4. Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
  5. 7 Things - Miley Cyrus
  6. The Bird & The Worm - The Used
  7. Birds Neil Young - Theoretical Girl
  8. Black Dying Rose (Piano Intro) - Bless The Fall
  9. Here - Hungry Cloud
  10. Minuet - From First To Last
  11. Oh, It Is Love - Hellogoodbye
  12. Dead! - My Chemical Romance
  13. Tangled Up In Me - Skye Sweetnam
  14. That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings
  15. Still Figuring Out - Eliot Minor
  16. Beat It - Fall Out Boy
  17. Silver Bullet (Acoustic) - Hawthorne Heights
  18. Smoke And Mirrors - Ipso Facto
  19. Pushing Me Away (Live) (Piano Version) -Linkin Park
  20. Hanging By A Moment - Lifehouse
  21. Monsters - Matchbook Romance
  22. You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison - My Chemical Romance
  23. Face Down (Acoustic) - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
  24. The Remembrance Ballad (The String Quartet Tribute) - Atreyu
"We're going down down in an earlier round,
and sugar, we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet,
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it."

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alexis bledel
Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ 22:48

Ohmygod, don't you just think she's very pretty? Really!
She's Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls and guess what? She's a September 16 baby too! Haha!

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 09:21

I'm blogging for school purposes. For those non-malays, please skip this post. Kay kay? Unless you have to be like Hui Fang and try reading. Go ahead. Notis: Saya minta perhatian anda, jikalau terdapat kesalahan ejaan atau lain-lain, sila tegur. Makasih:D

Peribahasa bagi Menengah Dua
  1. Air yang dingin juga dapat memadami api
    > Perkataan yang lembut juga cepat mendinginkan hati orang yang sedang marah

  2. Bagai unta menyerah diri
    > Orang yang terlalu bodoh dan terlalu lurus akan menjadi mangsa orang yang lebih pintar dan bijak

  3. Bagai kerakap atas batu, hidup enggan mati tak mahu
    > Perihal seseorang yang hidup dalam kemiskinan dan melarat
    > Perihal sesorang yang telah lama menghidap penyakit
    > Tanaman yang tidak tentu hidup matinya

  4. Baru hendak bertunas sudah dipetik, lama-lama matilah pokoknya
    > Ibarat orang yang berniaga baru mendapat keuntungan sedikit sudah berbelanja besar, akhirnya habislah modal

  5. Batu yang selalu bergolek di dalam sungai itu tiada dihinggapi lumut
    > Orang yang selalu bertukar kerja tidak akan mencapai kejayaan dalam kerjayanya dan sukar untuk menjadi seorang yang kaya
    > Orang yang selalu menambah pengetahuannya tidak dapat ditipu orang

  6. Berkerat rotan, berpatah arang
    > Putus perhubungan yang tidak dapat disambung semula

  7. Besar pasak dari tiang
    > berbelanja lebih besar daripada pendapatan yang diperoleh

  8. Buduk lalu, kiambang bertaut
    > Perselisihan faham yang berlaku antara saudara-mara tetapi pada masa kemudian, dapat berbaik-baik semula

  9. Bodoh-bodoh sepat, tiada makan pancing emas
    > Walaupun seseorang itu bodoh tetapi dia masih tahu memilih yang mana baik atau yang mana buruk untuknya
    > Orang bodoh yang mendapat kecelakaan kerana berpura-pura bersikap seperti orang pandai

  10. Jadi umang-umang
    > Orang yang menyamar kerana sesuatu muslihat
    > Barang yang sama jika berlainan keadaannya maka berlainlah pula namanya

  11. Jauhari juga yang mengenali manikam
    > Orang yang bijaksana juga yang mengetahui keelokan ilmu, menghargai sifat nyang mulia dan dapat menilai keuntungan mutu sesuatu barang

  12. Kalau kali panjang sejengkal, jangan lautan hendak diduga
    > Jika ilmu atau kebolehan kita sikit janganlah kita cuba berbuat orang atau sesuatu yang besar

  13. Kalau tiada helang, belalang menjadi helang
    > Seseorang yang bertindak mengaku bahawa dirinya seorang yang bijak serta pandai apabila dia mendapati tidak ada orang yang lebih bijak dan pandai di tempat itu.

  14. Kecil jangan disangka anak, besar jangan disanka bapa
    > Pengetahuan dan kelebihan itu tidak semestinya khusus pada orang-orang tua sahaja tetapi juga ada pada orang-orang muda

  15. Lidah bercabang bagai biawak
    > Selalu berubah ubah dan tidak dapat dipercayai kata-katanya

  16. Laksan wau melawan angin
    > Kehendak orang atasan atau orang yang berkuasa tidak dapat dihalang oleh orang bawahan ataupun orang yang lemah. Jika dilawan binasalah diri.
    > Membuat kerja yang tidak mungkin terkerjakan

  17. Pipit pekak makan hujan
    > Seorang yang sangat rajin dalam sesuatu pekerjaan, tiada peduli akan bahaya yang akan timbul pada dirinya

  18. Seperti api dalam sekam
    > Perihal perbuatan yang disembunyikan tiada ketara pada orang atau berlaku secara diam-diam

  19. Seperti gergaji bermata dua
    > Orang yang berpura-pura berbuat baik kepada dua belah pihak sehingga beroleh keuntungan daripada kedua-duanya.


  20. Seperti seludang menolak mayang
    > Megahkan atau menyombongkan diri

  21. Seperti gunting makan di hujung
    > Seorang yang tiada disangka tetapi dengan sembunyi-sembunyi dan perlahan-lahan dia melakukan perbuatannya
    > Orang yang bijak mengeluarkan kata-kata yang tajam tetapi tidak terasa oleh orang lain

  22. Terlepas dari mulut buaya, masuk ke mulut harimau
    > Terhindar daripada kemalangan/musibah kecil lalu menghadapi kemalanganmusibah yang lebih besar

  23. Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya
    > Sesorang yang bodoh itu biasanya banyak cakapnya
    > Orang yang sombong, bercakap besar tetapi tidak berisi/tak bererti

  24. Tumbuk rusuk
    > Memberi wang rasuah

  25. Umpama air di genggam, tiada tiris
    > Orang yang sangat kikir atau bakhil tidak sedikit terbuka tangannya untuk menolong orang yang hidup sengsara
Tambahan untuk Bahasa Melyu Lanjutan
  1. Bagai langau di ekor gajah
    > Orang yang selalu mengikut kemahuan orang besar atau orang yang pandai
    > Orang yang mengikut-ikut pada seseorang keran kemajaannya

  2. Kerja raja dijunjung, kerja sendiri dikelek
    > Kerja sendiri boleh dibuat di samping membuat kerja kerja orang lain

  3. Sekali air bah, sekali pasir berubah, sekali air gedang, sekali tepian berganjak
    > Apabla bertukar ketua ataupemerintah di dalam sesebuah negara, maka cara hidup pun berhidup pun berubah juga

  4. Seperti gajah masuk kampung
    > Seseorang yang berkuasa dapat melakukan sekehendak hatinya di kalangan orang yang lemah dan tiada siapa yang boleh menghalangnya
    > Orang yang berkuasa masuk ke dalam sesebuah kumpulan orang yang lemah dan dapat melakukan sekehendak hatinya dan tidak ada seorang pun yang berani menegurnya

  5. Seperti limau masak sebelah, perahu karam sekarat
    > Hukuman atau peraturan yang tidak adil kerana orang yang ada kedudukan atau kekayaan dikecualikan
Okay, dah habis. Byebye. By the way, Aliah, Hadi and Haziq, I found where you can get the pictures. There's five different websites. (Thanks to Hafriz for info)
H E R E ! Too many unglam pictures of me. xOOO.

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Very handsome awkward.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 09:13

(Lucky for you, I don't have any unglam pics of you)But again, Dini has one. Heh. I'll get it from her later. Enjoy being fourteen! :DD

Pinky promises are awesomexz. Ehhh, you pea-pole ahhhh. Use the knowledge of ______ against me ahhhh. For Jalan Raya and all ahhh. Make me greeen ahhhhh. Tak baik ahhh. Bulan puasa tau. >]
Hey are you okay?
You look pretty low
Very handsome awkward
Do you feel okay?
You look pretty low
Very handsome awkward
Thanks Sab for song recommendation :D The song reminds me of Atreyu.

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a major note.
Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 15:59

L-R: Me, Sitifa, Alyssa, Nurul and Dini
Pssst! Skirts and sneakers make a good combi!OH.

I can't deny it. I really can't.
Darn it. (Please tell me I didn't blush.)

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awesomatic day.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 @ 14:19

HAHA, OMG, yesterday was the BOMB! Had YMC, CSP planning thing. Us, Crescentians, went high at the field behing the building. THERE WAS A FIELD THAT WE DIDN'T KNOW EXISTED! :OOO In my group there were me, Alyssa, Dini, Sara, Sitifa and Nurul. We totally won the most votes. Haha, baik ar! Then group two and seven tied and thus, we are gonna do THREE projects! YAY YAY YAY!

Did I mention I kept on singing Jason Mraz's I'm Yours and Miley Cyrus's 7 Things the whole day, especially Jason Mraz's I'm Yours. Then while I was singing that at the lobby, something awkward happened. (Hanisah, you gotta know.) Then I kepo-ed in Alyssa and all kena ambik gambar. Hehe, just say I'm awesomeexzxz.

Then after that me, Sara, Ameera, Farah, Nazihah, Alisa, Kamal, Zainul, Hadi, Fahmy(?), Izhar, Hakiim, Muhammad, Haziq and Hafeez took bus to Parkway Parade. Then I think Hafeez went home cause I didn't see him around after awhile. Haha, so anyway, me and Sara went to arcade awhile after Farah, Ameera and the RI guys had gone there. I OWNED HAKIIM, IZHAR AND FARAH AT RACING. How cool is that? I beat TWO guys at racing. HA.

Haha, so me and Ameera met Shaleen first at Macs. Then Farah belanjered me since she owes me Birthday present. :DD Ate Grilled Chicken foldover and gave Shaleen whats left of my foldover - the greens. They gave me like a damn lot la. Haha, so Farah and Shaleen were fighting whether Rei/ Ray/ Wei (an RI rugger) had toned legs/ was hot. And they were kabooming Izhar with questions. Hilarious shizx. Izhar had like weird expressions throughout. HAHA.

Then Izhar said that that person had the same kinda legs as Shaleen and from then onwards, Shaleen kept on looking at her legs. "Eh, my legs very ugly, how can be the same?" Haha, go Sheen! I totally forgot everything else that had happened there. Okay, maybe not.

Then after that Shaleen had to go off first. The rest took a bus to Geylang and after that, everyone else went off except Farah, me, Sara, Izhar, Muhd, Hakiim and Haziq. The guys went solat first. And after that, we walked all the way since I heard someone wanted to buy food. After we got to all the makan makan place, we bought only three cups of drinks. *hjlskahuohdfsajbanbdsbjfk*

Haha, so Farah called her Bibik and said that we could go her house! YAY. All of us watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Damn cool I tell you. The last time I saw that movie was when I was 6? Haha, I realised I haven't watched the ending before. At all. Very weird considering I can remember the first part quite well. So as we were watching the movie, Hakiim kena syiok tidur on the armchair. And when we were about to leave, Izhar was patting him on the leg to wake him up.

Hakiim kinda shook Izhar's hand off. HAHA. Then after 10 seconds worth of trying to wake him up, finally Hakiim woke up and had that blur look. Damn kelakar! Farah's mom and nenek just got home when we went out of Farah's house. Haha, I noticed Farah's nenek is the ONLY adult that calls me aki. Then as we were walking to the bus stop, Hakiim was still half dead. xD Hakiim: Aku mati mati fikir aku tidur kat rumah aku.

HAHA, baik ar tu. Then blahblahblah, reached home at around 11.30pm. Slept at almost one. O.O But I told my dad I got home at 10.30. So ssssh. Okay done with yesterday.
"I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted."

"And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do - you make me love you."
Maybe I shouldn't blog about this but my sister's getting kicked out of the house. I am not going to cry. I am not. For my family's sake and myself, I'll be strong. Like I have always been since I was eleven.

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Another questionnare.
Friday, September 19, 2008 @ 17:30

But wait, it's on my multiply. So hurry hurry go there! And see if you kena sabo! If you're lazy ah, just highlight this whole post. And try finding your name.

Murnira, Sara, Sabreena, Aliah, Shaleen, Hakiim, Firdaus, Hafeez, Izhar Haziq, Farah, Alisa, Nazihah, Kamal, Izzah, Adelia, Nishan, Xinyi, Haziqah, Shasha.

Maybe I'll be nice and tag some of you to go directly to my multiply. But for now, I have to go cook for buka. Okay done, byebye(:

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 20:41

Step 1: Put your iPod on random.
Step 2: Post a line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song. I'm putting every song on my playlist since I'm very bored. xD It's only 38 songs.
Step 3: Let everyone guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Bold the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
  1. And stay sleeping, with my screaming in your itching ears. I'm So Sick - Flyleaf; Nazihah
  2. Who'll be around when the limelight's faded? Welcome - Christina Aguilera; Nazihah
  3. And I begin to fade into our secret place. All Around Me -Flyleaf; Nazihah
  4. Now sounds so beautiful, 'cause you're beautiful. (Beauty Through Broken Glass - Eyes Set To Kill)
  5. Your number thirty-seven, have a look. (Femme Fatale - Emilie Simon)
  6. This heart of stone will sing till it dies. Stay Close, Don't Go - Secondhand Serenade; Hanisah
  7. Nestled in your wings, why little one. (Birds Neil Young - Theoretical Girl)
  8. You, the strangest angels dancing in the deepest ocean. (Just Like Heaven - The Cure)
  9. I don't think that anybody feels the way I do about you now. (Wonderwall - Oasis)
  10. In just this life of uncertainty, opportunity's knocking at my door. (Something More - Aiden)
  11. I want to live in paradise at the south of earth tonight. All Is White - Emilie Simon; Nazihah
  12. But soon enough, you're gonna think of me and how I used to be. Unwell - Matchbox Twenty; Hanisah
  13. Could it be that we have been this way before? Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade; Sab
  14. One day, she will tell you that she has had enough. Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus; Sab
  15. There's tears in your eyes, I watch as you cry, but it's getting late. Too Close For Comfort - Mcfly; Nazihah
  16. And won't you think I'm pretty when I'm standing atop the bright lit city? The Taste Of Ink - The Used; Sab
  17. But for god's sake, could you try? Where Is Your Heart - Kelly Clarkson; Hanisah
  18. The truth is, there's no one like you. (Another Fight - Theoretical Girl)
  19. Feel the chill throughout our breaths as thunder awakens in our chests. (Flight On Broken Wings - Eyes Set To Kill)
  20. You have to show them you're really not scared. (Beat It - Fall Out Boy ft John Mayer)
  21. I want to speak these words but I guess I'll just bite my tongue. (Tiger Lily - Matchbook Romance)
  22. And if you would call me your sweetheart, I'd maybe then sing you a song. Mama - My Chemical Romance; Sab
  23. Repulsion and attraction rip me into these halves. (Smoke And Mirrors - Ipso Facto)
  24. And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time. Addicted - Kelly Clarkson; Hanisah
  25. Standing stalling, always falling, story of my life. (The White One Is Evil - Elliot Minor)
  26. You know the moon is full and I can't live without you. (Silver Bullet - Hawthorne Heights)
  27. Time to make one last appeal for the life I lived. Stop And Stare - One Republic; Dini
  28. When will you get back to me, so we can rest? (Tiny Heart - Flyleaf)
  29. If God takes me before you I just want you to know, I love you. (With Eyes Wide Shut - Bless The Fall)
  30. Love it, live it, leave it and get into it. Broken Hearts Parade - Good Charlotte; Sab
  31. Every moment I'm filled with hope cause I had another chance. Beautifully Broken - Ashlee Simpson; Nazihah
  32. Oh, your heart may long for love that is more near.
  33. Secretly wish we could go back and save the child. (Believe In Dreams - Flyleaf)
  34. This is the last smile that I'll fake for the sake of being with you. Pushing Me Away - Linkin Park; Nazihah
  35. She's losing her mind, she's fallen behind. Nobody's Home - Avril Lavigne; Hanisah
  36. Sitting on the ground of the lowest beach or the tallest peak, the place is in between.
  37. Desire leaves me numb to all the pain surrounding me.
  38. Scent of your blood smells so sweet.
NOTE: Just tag at my tagboard okay? Haha, looking forward to kena hogged by you people.
I bet you guys can't even figure out half of it without going to Google. >D
Oh god, this is my fourth time blogging today.
Kay byebye.

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Career day.
@ 15:42

Today, the Sec 4s had career day. They just had to come dressed up according to what they want to be when they grow up. Well, I can't wait for MY career day. HAHA. I think I want to be a journalist or a columnist or a magazine editor. Haha, Adelia gave me the inspiration. Wah cheh cheh. Later Adelia ego man. I mean, it's so cool. You get to write stuff and hopefully, they will get published and if they're good enough, you might be famous! Just like Meg Cabot and J.K Rowling. Awesome! Even if you're not that good, you'll get feedback and you'll know what you can improve on. Yes, I think I'll get an academic degree in journalism, if there is one. And write a thesis before I graduate from Something University. thesis = lengthy academic paper; a dissertation based on original research, especially as work toward an academic degree
I gripped my 0.38 Dark Blue Signo pen tighter, took a deep breath and allowed the ink to flow freely, filling up the gaping white paper.
They were just deceiving little rows of words dying to make me stressed out. I swore under my breath.
The quotes are mine, don't steal. I'll kill you. I have A LOT of schoolwork to do. God damn it.

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@ 10:25

Hi, it's recess time and I'm really REALLY bored and hungry. Wait, can tahan! Only got eight hours and thrity-five minutes. My stomach is spasming right now. Dx Sakit. I am going to go strawberry traffic jam on the guitar. Soon, I will be able play Minuet. Soon. >.<

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Laugh riot. xD
@ 06:54

Presenting, my dahling elder sister, Nur Adilah Azmi! (aka Adee)Awesome tak? Laugh riot man.

I had a few more 'rememberable' dreams last night.

#1 : I was back at the camp, the part where we were about to throw stones into the sea. And my group was playing with the sand. But instead of writing my name, I was writing "I LOVE ______" in a very secluded corner. Then I saw Aliah trying to look at what I was writing and I was protectively covering it from her. Then I heard Sara say "Aki, we go off first ah". When I look up, Sara and Mur were going back to our cabin. Then Aliah said, "Aki, let's go" So I wiped the sand and went off. Didn't have time to take pictures as I remembered I did have a camera on my hands.

#2 It was yesterday's mugging session again! With a few alternate changes that I will only tell to some people. Ha, too bad.

#3 I was out shopping with Adelia at Paragon, then I knew I had some money. Then as I wanted to pay for some clothes, I took out my wallet and saw that it was empty. In the end, I put everything back, knowing I was broke. And Adelia had a lot of stuff, and I didn't get to buy anything. D: Haha. xD

Haha, kay then. Laptop battery dying on me. And there's a science test to study for. Bye bye.
And brudder, thank you. :D

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 16:25

Haha, so yesterday was quite fun. (P.s, I'm supposed to be mugging now, so I'm risking my butt here blogging.) Screw quite. Yesterday was VERY fun! WHOO. Except the whole oh-look-I-have-lit-and-geog-on-the-same-day-how-cool note. Haha, kay. So...

Texted Shasha all the way till JE, saw Izzah, Syahirah, Sab Selamat, Nadia and Afee at JE. Very soon after about 30 mins later everyone else, Shasha, Dini, Alyssa, Adlina, Sitifa, Sitira and Sab Azmi, was here, except Rini. We went solat maghrib jemaah at Al-Mukminin first. Then ciao-ed that place. Haha, seriously, we don't know how to jaywalk. It took us two red lights to finally be able to cross the road. xDD And then when bus 98 came, all the makciks and pakciks going to masjid came out. AND THEY JUST CROSSED THE ROAD. To think, it took us two times longer to cross. Alamak. Malu ah.

Then arrived JE at 8 and couldn't get in to PIZZAHUT till like 8.30. So we took neoprints. Haha, and didn't bother editing anything. Finally, got into Pizzahut. Me and Shasha were stressing over what to buy since almost every darned thing was like bloody ex la. Then we decided to buy one Beef Lasgna each and decided to team up with Alyssa and Adlina to buy a trio cheese personal pan. SUNGGUH LAZAT! And that is how I became very broke. I can't buka out for the rest of the week. Sorry! Not even on YMC day. Then after eating, we went for another round of neoprints. Haha. Okay. I'm done here. Bye.

Pictures are still with Alyssa! Go bombard her XD

Oh and btw, the previous two posts are just as important! Scroll down!

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Birthday peeps!
@ 08:07

You're (finally) fourteen!And two very glam pics of you(:The scandalous class chair(:
You're (finally) fourteen too!
(Sorry, I can't find any picture of you)

And Zhan Teng too(: Hehe.

Haha, so many birthdays. Happy bday to Nick jonas, Teddy Geiger too.

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tag replies.
@ 07:06

15 Sep 08, 17:57
15 Sep 08, 17:59
15 Sep 08, 18:01
15 Sep 08, 18:02
MURNIRA(:: XDXDDD i uploaded loads of vids of them XD oh ya, watch their movies!
15 Sep 08, 18:02
MURNIRA(:: arashi vis i mean. darn, im getting excited!! XDDD
15 Sep 08, 18:02
MURNIRA(:: *movies
Haha, too bad la. I had that dream and you didn't! xDDDD I'll watch it, soon enough, when my com speakers get fixed. Okay okay? Chill ah, jangan jadi giler. :D Spam rabak seh XD

15 Sep 08, 20:01
nurul: SATOSHI OHNO~! XD XD XD did i mention he is so adorable? HAHA
15 Sep 08, 21:24
SARA: HE IS NOT ADORABLE. eee. -.- matsu jun is HOT x))
15 Sep 08, 21:25
SARA: and anyway, NICE DREAMS!!! so farny and i likeeee. xD HAHAHA. x))
15 Sep 08, 21:25
SARA: maybe next time you can dream of a flying airplane. x)
15 Sep 08, 21:26
SARA: oh wait. airplanes can fly. nvm.
Yes Sara, airplanes CAN fly. They're AIRplanes. -.- Haha, Matsu Matsu Matsu.... *chanting mode* Ohmygod, my dreams so cool right? XD Ego kemego.
15 Sep 08, 22:52
15 Sep 08, 22:53
SAB: oh btw i dno the song :/ oh yeah i had an urge to create a blogger xD
The song is SMOKE AND MIRRORS by IPSO FACTO! MUST LISTEN! Something like Ramalama Bang Bang but much nicerrrr, :DDD
15 Sep 08, 22:55

Soon they'll be like HAHA, BEDEK. HEHE.


Dreams dreams.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 11:46

Group 5
Front row (L-R): Finna, Maria, Ninna, Kak Mas, Kak Erma, Aqilah
Back row (L-R): Inshirah, Aliah, Me, Kak Lin, Kak Su, Donna
Weird dream #1
Dad rented a house at Commonwealth-Queenstown area. We got into our house and was glad it was kinda big. But the bedroom we got was facing a graveyard. And the worse thing was, the coffins were ON the ground, not in the ground like they were supposed to be. It was around 9 and all the other houses lights were off. Kitty had already been brought over. Then dad wanted to go out to Aunt's house and we had to follow him. But I was skeptical about leaving my beloved cat there. Alone. In the dark house. In a scary place.

Me: Ayah, we have to bring Kitty back to Cik Dah's house.
Dad: No. Don't be troublesome.
Dad: You, don't start with your nonsense.

And the dream ended there cause I woke up.

Weird dream #2
Hannah Montana gave me her cell number. I screamed because I was starstruck and because she wanted to be best friends with me. Then I went around and started saying to people "HA. HANNAH MONTANA GAVE ME HER CELL NUMBER. IN YOUR FACE."

Not that I'm a big fan of Miley or anything.

Weird dream #3
I MET HANA YORI DANGO CAST! WHOOO. I thought it was Arashi at first, cause I saw Matsu Jun ^^ Then happened to be Mao Inoue was also there, and Shun Oguri too. So it had to be HYD cast right? Yeah so, I won some competition and got to have a meet-and-greet session with them. But it all went crazy because a few asshole fanatics were rioting outside the room. So we ran away, as in ALL OF US. We ran to a very weird looking ship and after we got onboard, the ship FLEW. And I woke up.

Apparently, in my dreams, ships can fly.

Weird dream #4
I was migrating to London with the whole of my family on Dad's side. But we were meeting my aunt on Mom's side. ... Seriously. Then we got on board a plane but somehow we got off at a ship harbor. Somehow, all of us got separated and I got lost and got kicked out of my Mom's rented house there or something. One of my aunt's started working in a coffee shop there. Believe it a SINGAPOREAN coffeeshop in LONDON?! Then diseases strike. Mom had moved out of her old house and into a temple-like building. Coffeeshop aunt was sick. Carried her to Mom's place. Saw my cat along the way and carried her too, in a basket that magically appeared beside me. Then I don't know what happened cause I woke up.

God knows what happened to my other family members in my dream. And to the migrating to London part.
Trust me when I say all these dreams happened in a week. Just a mere week. I'll tell you more if any other weird dreams come up. *shivers*

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Tonight, we fly away so high.
Saturday, September 13, 2008 @ 22:35

Today was unfruitful. Nak mug Geog tak jadi.I got distracted. Not my problem. XD HAHA. So anyway, I was giving out free PINK post-its to everyone I know who was there. And on those post-its were stupid messages. Yes, mainly because I was bloody bored. But why PINK? Ahhh, that is because, I was lazy to take out any other colours. I have blue, green and yellow too. Haha, I'm a post-it maniac. So what? XD

Oh and haha, after that me, Sara and Mur went 484. There we saw all those budak budak sana la. Indra was like damn funny. Just for the record, I wasn't flirting with your guy.

Mur: Indra! Your boxers! Astaraghfirullah.
Indra: Aaaaaaaaaah! *Pulls pants up really high,waistline there*
Me, Sara, Mur: Whaaaat. HAAAAHAAAAA.

Indra damn funny seh. Haha. I was a psycho today, very stalkerish/ obsessed. Sorry ah. It's been too long. XD AHEM. I buka-ed outside tooo. Ate BBQ Beef, damn nice. Haha, okay. I GOT MY PHONE BACK. BYEBYE. Ngantuk ah.
At least you’ll have my heart.
You know you shine so bright.

Tonight, we fly away so high,
Tonight, We fly away.
You know the moon is full and,
I can't live without you.

Silver Bullet
- Hawthorne Heights

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Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 21:19

Tag reply :D
dini: Yo hahaha you have got to totally post about the one Luisa said during Science class.damn funny one
dini: and were you with sitifa when you saw the malay joe jonas person? HAHAH cause she told me she saw
dini: and okay uh matsumoto quite cute uh, joo ji hoon, aiyah dunno uh lol
Hehe. I just saw a Chinese Joe Jonas almost lookalike. Same eyes and eyebrows but not exactly a total replica. HEHE. But the thing is, I HATE JOE JONAS. So why do I keep seeing replicas of him wherever I go? O.O Weirdo. Gah, why won't msn sign in? Darn darn darn.

I got farther reading the Nanny Diaries (121 pages in 3 hours) than I did for QOB (33 pages in two days). How pathetic man. Someone was online. Muahah. I screamed for damn long. Like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh. Except it was MUCH longer. Cause, I'm a stalker. Muahah. But then my Msn just signed off on its own. Darn it. -.-

Science totally woke me up today. HAHA. Ms Azrina made the whole class stand up. Those who got the questions right may sit down. I sat down quite early Haha, damn cool man. Then when three quarters of the class was still standing, Ms Azrina asked about safety precautions. Kena bombard with answers like crazy. DAMN FUNNY. Especially if you're sitting at the corner of the class and you get to see everyone else. HAHA.

Ms Azrina: So where does all our power come from? Where is the main outlet?
Felicia: -some cheem answer-

HAHA, her sarcasm kena salute! Btw, accuracy of quotes not guaranteed. Haha, then after a while, she stopped asking questions and those who didn't answer anything stayed standing. That is until Luisa made some smart remark. "Wah, I haven't read leh" - Luisa "Everyone sit down except for you" - Ms Azrina "HAAAA." -Luisa. HAHA. Ohmygod, Science totally woke me up la. In the end, Luisa got to sit down. WHOO. Haha, our class damn farney la. You gotta give it to us man! XDDD

Okay dah bye bye. Penat ah. I want to go back to the Nanny Diaries and listening to the old beat up iPod. Okay okay? BYE ^^

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@ 17:30

For all those guys reading my blog. Ooops sorry. This blog has been MATSUJUNified. O.O Better than Jonasfied XD Before I go to Matsu, see this picture first. Darn cooled man.

Which colour would you want? I want the white one, okay maybe the green one can also. For those people who owe me birthday presents, HINT HINT.
Seriously, I downloaded like a zillion pictures of Matsu Jun. No, I was kidding. I downloaded like twenty. But still. He's like damn cute and bloodeh hot okay AAAAH~ ^^
Who in their right mind won't like them?? Other than Nishan. Hehe. He has a very nice heartwarming smile. Oh god. Can someone get me a date with him? XD THANKS, I'll love you forever if you do :tehe: I hyperventilate every time I browse through Matsu Jun's pics. HAHA XD

Oh and Hana Yori Dango(: and Hana Kimi(:See they all bloody hot right?

And hellyea, the JAPAN version of Hana Kimi beats the Taiwan version hands down manzxxzx.

I'm Japan crazed XD But WHYYY does Mizushima Hiro [Nanba Minami] (1) (2) has to look like Matsu Jun?! WHYYYY? D:

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Seriously -.-
@ 09:11

I just finished 33 pages of Queen Of Babble, 2 chapters. And I DON'T want to read anymore. Seriously Farah, damn boring seh. D: How can you like those kind of books? I'd rather read on Hitler.
Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 21:44

MATI. BELUM HABIS HOMEWORK. AAAAAAAH. And JJH is unique lah Izzah. And JJH is the BESTEST KOREAN SHEETASS lah Sab. And all you girl readers be jealous that I saw a Malay Joe Jonas lookalike on the train home today la. HA.

Eh, mana la gambar camp? TSK. Never update. TSKKKKK.
@ 13:42

AH. MATSUJUN IS LOVE. And Arashi is super adorable! ^^Seriously, how can you not fall in love with MatsuJun's smile? :OOOArashi is hilarious! XDD
Watch this! :DDD (From Teletubbies site XD)

Oh other than Matsu Jun, Joo Ji Hoon is another hot hot hottie ^^And once again, how can you resist such a smile? Unless you're a guy that is. Aw man. :DDDDDD
Jun Matsumoto
Joo Ji Hoon!
I like Jiro Wang too. HAHA. But no, he's too errrr to be on my blog. No offence though. :D

So watch out J people. XDXDXD Oh by the way, Matsu Jun has conquered my tablet pc background. Cause he's hot. And cute. And has a nice smile :DDDDD

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That's it? 4 MINUTES?!
@ 10:03

Okay, I'm back to normal english. Guess what. My YOUNGER sister can bathe in 4 minutes flat. O.O She came into the room to get her uniform at 5.30am and came to wake me up at 5.34am. O.O Darn. 4 minutes.
*Background song: 4 minutes (to save the world)*
Seriously. Even I take TEN minutes. And that's not bad. Considering some people take a minimum of 45 minutes. *COUGHPOCOUGH* XD


Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 10:22

Ai reh-lli cahn-nort hell-up mai-sell-f. Thees eez uh-dick-tif. yee-ah. So, ai ehm theenk-eeng awf chehng-eeng mai beh-lock-sk-eeen. seeeee ya-ahll dhen. :D


@ 08:56

High feh-llow ree-dars awf thees beh-log. :D Ai em hee-err two pree-zend two eww eh-bowt mai se-kool's MUSICAL EVENING.

Musical Evening I (2008) by CGS Band
21 Nov 2008 (Friday)
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music Concert Hall
Price: $15/- (Free Seating)

Musical Evening II (2008) by Crez P.Arts Ensembles
aka Angklung, Chinese & Modern Dance, Choir, Drama & Indian Dance
22 Nov 2008 (Saturday)
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music Concert Hall
Price: $15/- (Free Seating)

Oh-kay? MAHST KUMB ARH. Ass-peh-sure-li fohr dhe seh-kand deh bee-cos ANGKLUNG eez dhe bohmb. xD Eee-male two mysfreaque@hotmail.com two ged teeck-ates, ai thee-ink :D
Bai bai.

(and yes, the posts on Teletubbies page, YMC and class blog are all by meeeeee)

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008 @ 12:44

Sigh of relief for me here. I almost screwed up my blog template. Darn it. I'm hungry. D:
Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 20:18

Hi, I am so done with the camp. Let's rewind.

Met up with mummy at Bedok Interchange at around 5.20. Headed to Geylang Seraito bu telekung cos all our others already very old. Taxi-ed to the building. Reached there around 6 plus. Met Aliah. Registered. Went inside, chatted with group5 people.
Group 5:
Me, Aliah, Aqilah, Donna, Kak Su, Kak Lin, Kak Hal, Kak Ema, Kak Mas, Maria, Finna, Ninna, Inshirah
Talk talk talk. Time for solat, went up to toilets. Light buka, solat, heavy buka. Then Isya'. Then teraweh. Then some games and stuff all the way till midnight.


Aliah's joke of the day:
It's dark, it's not chicken.

Woke at 4.30 am. Sahur-ed and solat-ed. Then packed bags. Got ready for cycling. I got a red helmet. Very pretty. ^^ Cycled from the Mendaki building all the way to OBS East Coast. 25 minutes only. So here's the thing, I'm kinda lazy to blog about everything. Just that,


Aliah's joke of the day:
Aliah: You know the corn inside the bubur right? Did you like it?
Victim: -whatever your answer is/was-
Aliah: I like it, you know why?
Victim: Why?
Aliah: Because I'm corny!

Thing ended at 9.30. I got home at one pm. This is what happens when you don't have the luxur of parents fetching you. Other than the above two points, the camp was perfectly fineee. :D I made new friends ^^ Aliah, the best person to shoot all the lame jokes, especially after buka.

Aliah's joke of the day:
I'm sorry that you're feeling warm.
Only fast people can get THAT. It took me a few minutes to understand that...

Now, I want pictures. And emails.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008 @ 19:55

YAY YAY! darn it 'y' still darn hard to press. Yeah camp coming up tomorrow!
@ 12:30

Don't read if... god knows what... it sounds unappealing.

I have to rant rant rant. Gahh. This will only make sense whose command of the English Language are of almost perfection, like mine. Chehbah. ^^ Yeah, I'm here to talk about the proper use of English. English is not just for Minahs or Mats or Ah Bengs or Ah Lians to use when they edit their photos in Photoshop to make them sound westernised and/or high class. There's no such thing as 'I Miss Yous' as there is no plural form for the word 'you'. Screw it, you people. Defaming the good of English Language.

Hell yea, I use Singlish too but at least I'm not as devastatingly bad as those people who use RABAK Singlish who will then try to talk in English... chotto, I lost myself. What the hell am I talking about? Oh yeah... (darn it, damn 'y' refuses to work properly), those people who try talking in English in malls and all, ohmygod, it is bloody atrocious. They have such a thick accent. Gees. In blogs, the people, they don't know the difference between its and it's or even between his and he's. Go read up the Holy Book aka the Dictionary, Oxford's one preferably, because they're one of the bests. Or if you don't own an Oxford, any dictionary will be fine. But if you don't own a single dictionary, I suggest you get your butt to Popular and buy one now.

That's all for my lecture on English. Sigh, I feel much better. Po, HAHA, kesian, you kena this lecture first! XD


@ 12:15

Darn it.

Yes, I have yet to start. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh.

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so bloody cool
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 22:16

It's so cool the way Keanu Reeves acts in Constantine.
I'm Constantine, John Constantine.
So darned good when he acts like that. Mmhmm.
Oh what about...
I'm Evans, Rylie Evans.
Suh-weeeet ^^


@ 13:15

I really don't know what's wrong with me. Chotto, before you think this is an EMO post, nah screw that. It is so not. Even though I'm still half sick, I feel damn hyper and... weird? O.O Haha, well, I guess, that's just me. HAHA. After singing the Teletubbies song, I'll make some kind of high pitched Spongebob laughter. Which sounds damn retarded. Thus it will sound something like this...

Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Lala, Po...
Teletubbies, Teletubbies, Say hello!
HAHAHAHAHAHA (in that weird high pitched Spongebob laughter)

Call me up and I can sing it to you! XD I really am laughing my ass off! XDDDDDDDDDDD
Oh and did you know? I think Storm Hawks is the best 3-D animation cartoon ever. And it says on the Today paper itinerary that the show is for preschoolers...
okay, what telah happen to me? Must be the Monday high fever. Or the lack of Disney Channel/ Nickelodeon/ Cartoon Network at home. Ah well. I think the guy characters quite charming also. And the storyline is kinda good. ^^ Immature people like me must watch XD

HAHA, okay okay. I should run now, later you all kejar me for polluting your mind with the Teletubbies song XD

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I'm still sick Dx
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 @ 21:57

Like finally man! I've been waiting for centuries for this bloody page to upload. Thanks a kajillions to those who wished me well ^^ I feel much better now. Despite still having the sore throat and a very runny nose. I should walk around when I'm sick. Gees. I'm coughing like crazy.

I came home kinda late today. But SURPRISINGLY, my dad didn't blow up on me.
Me: Ayah, I'm home.
Dad: *glare glare*
Me: What?
Dad: What time is it now?
Me: Uh, 9.30?
Dad: Then? *still staring at me with his hand phone charger in his hands*
Me: Ah, yes la yes la. *plugs in charger for dad*

Apparently, my dad can't reach behind the tv set to plug in the charger. That's why I have to help. See I'm such a daddy's girl. I shan't go out tomorrow or the day after so as not to disappoint him. :D

I hope Aisyah and Alyssa are doing fine.
Some stuff from chatting with Salwa:heart: the other day ^^
from what I hear,
he's kinda like you ;D

I like what I hear.
He's perfect for you, la. :]
That's why I love my bestest junior a lot! She's always there to cheer me up when I'm down. Murnira, jealous?;)

I should really get some sleep.

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sick D:
@ 02:49

I'm sick and it suck suck sucks. DDDDDDDDDD: I had to batalkan my puasa cause I felt that if I didn't have hot water, I might die from the cold. So sad, only first and I'm already like this DDDx

Thanks a lot lot to Hakiim and Haziq for coming watch movie with us! YAY YAY! Glad you made trough the girlish drama xD I still think we should have watched Wall-E. Seems rather cute, chotto, no, seems VERY cute. :D Then I wanted to buka with Mur and Sara but but, I can't even walk. So in the end I took 178 home.

I feel really horrible. My nose keeps dripping, my neck aches a LOT. I shall spare you people from the agony that I'm feeling right now D:

I hope I get well really soon! In time for the camp! D:

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