Hold on to these moments.

tales| protagonist| intermission

And may you have a good day too, sire.

Glad to be alive.
Thursday, April 26, 2012 @ 01:34

Recently I'm always posting about angsty angry things but now I want to write about the little things in life that make me happy/ glad/ cheerful/ smile ^^

1) My cat's purring
2) Lying in bed way past noon
3) Having Internet connection
4) Home-cooked food
5) Manageable hair
6) A baby/toddler's laughter
7) Midnight showers
8) Getting a seat on train home from work
9) Finding something you've been searching for without anyone's help
10) Making new friends
11) Going out with my family
12) Listening to songs you haven't listened to for a long time
13) The cold side of the pillow
14) Waking up without an alarm
15) Fooooooooooood
16) Giving wake up calls
17) Remembering the good dreams when you wake up
18) Tweet singing
19) Multiple convos with the people you love
20) New items in store

Ok I will stop there cause honestly, the list goes on and on and on.

Things may be horrible or you may feel empty inside cause of certain issues in your life, but it's up to you to make it all better. You can't depend on anyone else to make your life worth living. You yourself make it worth living.

If everything fails, make a list of what makes you happy. Maybe then you'll see how much better it feels to be happy than sad.

Heheeh ok goodnight.
