No time for love that came her way.
Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 11:58

I can't deny the fact that my birthday was way below expectations, yeah it was. Long story. The most emotional day so far. But, it somehow made me realize that I have to be strong no matter what.
Thanks to:
- Sara! for the two (!!) Meevie posters, the two (!!!) Meeviee cards, the nicest chocolates alive on Planet Earth (!), the blue (!) shoelaces, the ear sticks (XD), the hot pink (!!) pocket mirror and the bright orange (!) earrings! Oh and also the pretty pretty I♥U teddy bear box and the sweet sweet memo inside it! You all should totally read the memo! ::D
- Murnira, Insyirah, Sabreena and Nazihah! for the freaking awesome Aiba Masaki photobook. OMG HHAHA MORE STUFF TO OGLE ATTT :::)
- Alyssa! for the very very sweet birthday card and the pretty bookmark! I love it!
- Dini! for the super cute birthday card! I love it too!
- Stacy! for the engraved star keychain! I made it into a necklace and will most prolly wear it 99.99% of the time :D
- And all those who wished me happy birthday on my tagboard, facebook, your blogs, when you saw me etc etc. Thanks so much :D
Thank you so much :D
And I'd like to wish,
(29th May)
A very happy seventeenth! IMY D: And and I will help you in your cupcake industry after I finish O's and after you finish your A's okay!♥
Andrea Mai! (29th May)
Happy fourteenth! Hahah, I don't have any decent picture of me and you tgt, so nehmind. Hahah. Hope to see you around soon!
Suniza! (30th May)
Haha omg you know you're the first person I know to have the same birthdate as me! Lol don't stop being so funny okay! Happy fifteenth!
Siona Wu Murphy (30th May)
Hello! I am super honoured to share the same birthday as you! Omg you are super lucky to act as a tomboy (!!) beside Edwin and Freddie! (!!!!!!) Hahahah, I hope t see you soon, if you don't mind :D [And I don't know if you will ever come here haha XD]
Umairah (31st May)
Although I barely talk to you nowadays, I hope you're having a blating fourteenth! Happy birthday junior!

Labels: birthday, thanks
A deep breath of autumn's atmosphere.
Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 17:40
The projector super extra. _-_
Clean and Green day this term was damn awesome haha. I love! Okay so we camwhored like crazy. Cool no? ^^ Heheheh more on
facebook :D And Stacy thanks so much for the star keychain with 'AKI' engraved on it! OMG THANKS SO MUCH! How did you know I adore stars? ♥ I will post up pictures of my presents soon :D Thank you!
Labels: 3S2b ♥, thanks
And you bet that I felt it.
Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 19:11

Credits to Sara for drawing this :D
Hahahah omg, ever since I blogged about taking a picture with Edwin Goh from Fighting Spiders (this will surely be up on google I bet.) , two passerby's tagged me. HAHAH Am I awesome or what? XD Anw, I have a few things to mention.
A few people have been asking me what I want fo my birthday and I always say, "I'm not sure" or "I don't know" or "You won't be able to get what I want." See I appreciate what I have! But on Sunday, I was walking around
Lot One and kinda realised there's quite a lot of stuff you can get me. Hehhehe, here's a
list. Yes, an actual WANT LIST.
I want:
- Neon blue/ Turquoise shoelaces. [The Bluez]
- Stud earrings; any design will do. [The Bluez]
- Jelly Lens - Vignette [Action City]
- Monster accessory; any design will do also [Action City]
- The $12/$14 Star Necklace [The Bluez] I BADLY WANT THIS ONE, SO PRETTY!
- A Musical Box; Princess one [Mini Toons]
- A bocy Pencilbox [Citrusox]
- Multi Colored Toe Socks [Aries]
- Retro Hairband [Helen/Aries] (My old one is tearing apart D:)
- Leaf Bangles [Helen]
- Vintage Ribbon Hairclip [Helen]
- A full set of guitar strings [Idk whr t get it]
Yeah, but this is just what I want okay. Anything else it ttly fine by me. I appreciate gifts HEHEE.
You can skip this, I just need to ramble.Honestly, I thought it was rather uncalled for that you would help someone, who you're not close to, from getting beaten up. (Though he did get beaten up somehow) Furthermore, he made you run around in circles to look for him, to help him out. You told me it's cause you regarded him as a father, someone you're supposed to be close to. Even so, seeing that kind of person he is, yeah he's nice but really he's a troubled soul, you should not have bothered. And that's why good relationships with parents are really essential. So you have someone to look up to, I guess.
I'm not trying to... what's that word?... be judgemental or sth, but rly, you have to assess the situation before actually lending a hand. And try not to get carried away, or in this case trouble yourself, while helping the person. Is he really worth helping? If I were you, I wouldn't have helped. Yes they are friends, but getting involved in their gang disputes is really bullshitting themselves.
I hang out with them too, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to fight their fights,,or save their asses. Fights are ttl bullshit I tell you, and fighting for someone I just met this year? Ha. Dream on suckass. If I had to fight for either of my sisters, I would, and I wouldn't forgive that asshole for fighting with my sisters, I love em way too much. (Even though I don't tell them, I'm protective that way hee.) Nyeargh, I should rly stop blabbering on this topic. See, what shit they/he got you into? But nehmind, I still love you best friend. Any probs tell me k?
Gangfights are just plain stupid I tell you. Hmph.
And who wants to go to Plaza Sing with me on Sunday for the Live without Lighting Up concert? I wanna see Iain again cause Fire Fight's gna be thr! HAHAHHA
Wow, rly long post no?
Labels: Fighting Spiders, issues, wanted, wordy
I believe in dreams.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 21:01

Yeah we really do. :D

The best class picture so far!

Our smexy form teachers ♥
Ms Vicky and Mdm Rina!
Cake. Pizza. Coke. Food. Yum~ We will dearly miss our teachers! OMG Cekgoo have fun at VJC okay! And don't ever forget your best form class ever, 3S2B 09! Okay okay? And Ms Vicky is leaving us for awhile because she's gna be on maternity leave D: Who's gna take us?
1 Year and 19 Days, that's a record.
1 Year and
three days to getting wasted. YAY!~
Labels: 3S2b ♥
Terrified of what's inside.
@ 11:02

"Dyou want anything from Australia?"
"Aiyah, nougat can buy here!"
"I don't care, Nougat!"
I love S2B. We are sure gonna miss Cikgu like hell. Cekgoooo why you have to go? D: And then who's taking us for CME next term? GASP.
Labels: 3S2b ♥, leaving
All alone he turns to stone.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 @ 17:15
Mixed feelings about today. Firstly, watching a horror movie alone was damn good. Hahahah, I can like enjoy the movie alone. Hahah, and oh secondly,
'asshole' doesn't even begin to describe the bastard that stood me up. Oh '
bastard' doesn't too. Even Jaymann's date was succesful! Feck. I am trying very hard to keep a positive outlook.
A very good time to sing Lily Allen's Fuck You.
Fuck you, fuck you very very much.
Cause we hate what you do,
And we hate your whole crew.
So please don't stay in touch~
Moving on, I love Fighting Spiders. Hehehhee. Oh The Uninvited was okay okay. Considering the storyline was quite predictable (duh.) and I'd only give it a 3 out of 5 stars. Oh and the protagonist was so pretty! So was her sister. I am jealous _-_
Labels: sarcastic, yousuck
Your point of view is medieval.
@ 09:52

Walao, it's only Tuesday. But Tuesdays are good, you know why? Cause Fighting Spiders are on Tuesdays. hehe. Okay I still can't get over the fact I saw him! Zomfg, he was extremely hot. -melts-
Anw, went out with Deepa, Kah Min and Si Hui. To look for cosplay/lolita stuff. Found a lot of stuff. Oh and at Haru Goth, there was this $85 black dress. The dress was damn sexy and yknow what, the original price is actually $260! It's a very good price for us zomg. I can dieeee~ And then at Black Alice and Cathay, we tried on the lolita costume. (I have pics, I'll show you if I'm nice XD) I looked uhm, farney. I mean, me? In a Sweet Lolita outfit? Uhm, weird. Super weird. I wanna go as a goth Lolita instead. Heh. Actually, I just wanna go CosFest and stuff. To see the costumes, I think they're damn cool and awesomee.
Just one more word for this post:
Labels: cosplay, hyperventilate
You might regret what you let slip away
Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 21:52
Hello to those who watch Fighting Spiders. I am gonna make you jealous ;D
Guess who I saw!
(hint is in the picture :D)
Hahaha yes, I saw Edwin Goh! And uhm, Charlie? Hahha okay google helps, Liang Shijie. Yeap I saw them both at Plaza Sing tday. And to think I almost went home! ZOMG HAHAHA I'd like to thank Dayan for spotting them, if not this picture could have been possible HURHUR. ::::D
ZOMFG, Edwin's only fourteen and he's damn tall! Aiyah, I need to grow. (HAHAH I'm talking about him like he's a close friend. What the fish aki. -.-) Went to watch Wolverine btw, it was damn cool. LURVE.
5 stars too. However, what happened to Victor?
I'm a happy happy girlll.
Labels: movie review, starstruck
Are you aware of what you make me feel?
Friday, May 22, 2009 @ 21:17

Happy 5th birthday my sayang :D I love you always and don't die till I die. Impossible I know, but I wish you are an immortal. So I can love you to death over and over again :D Oh and sometimes I just wish you can talk you know D: ILY TTM ♥
Anyway, I went to watch Angels and Demons today, with Mommy and sisters. The beginning was screwed up. Super screwed up. And part of the ending too.
The beginning of movie:
Vittoria Vetra was working with a
lab partner/ group on the antimatter. And then when it finished,
she went downstairs to her lab partner. She placed her head on the eye scanner thing and when she lifted it up,
she found blood on her chin. She went into the room and
saw the eyeball and got shocked. So she got worried and went around to search for her lab partner.
She found him dead on the floor, facing up, with an eyeball cut out. And she screamed. And
she went to the police. Oh and one of
the police went to Robert Langdon to tell him about the Illuminati which happens to plainly be "Illuminati" on a piece of paper.
The actual beginning:
- The guy working with Vittoria wasn't her lab partner. It was her father. Who happens to be a scientist and a physicist.
- Vittoria didn't find the dead body, someone else did.
- He was found dead in his apartment, neck twisted. So he was facing down, with the Illuminati brand on his chest.
- Maximillian Kohler was the one who informed Robert Langdon about Leonardo Vetra.
- The police were not informed cause Max Kohler didn't want it to be publicized.
- Vittoria was informed way later. Cause Max was afriad she'd get hurt. It's her father, you doofuses. Of course she'd cry.
- The eye was found later on, when all of em, including Vittoria went to the lab.
SEE IT'S DIFFERENT! DIFFERENT! And the way Carmelengo died was also different. Oh and don't forget that Cardinal Baggio (sp?) was supposed to DIEEEEE. There's
more but I am too lazy to type everything.
Other than that, everything else was good. Hahah I loved the ending when the antimatter blew up in the sky. Oh and also the Vatican Archives place, it was so high-tech. Plus the murals in Vatican City, so beautiful. I wanna go there one day, but they'll prolly shun me cause of my religion. Aththethth. Despite the diffs between movie and book, I'd give it a 5 stars out of 5 cause I ttly loved it. The movie was crystal clear in understanding. Go watch it! HAHAHH
Next movie?
Yes you
are allowed to laugh.
Labels: ironic, movie review
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 19:36

It was photo taking today :D We got our class tees today too. Hehehe. Awezome no? But this year's photo taking was rather unique. You see, usually, as a class, we take two formals and two funs and they chose the best ones, for us to buy, yearbook etc. This year, apart from the usual ones though, we had small group shots too. It was damned cool. I was, as usual too, sitting in the front row. And my small group picture was with Hang, Niveetha, Sarvena, Ratna and Fatehah. Haha yeap only six of us. Best. Then not only that, as a whole class, we squeezed for the final shot. Fun pose obvsly. And the awezomest part?
I covered Niveetha's eyes hahahahahaha. :D She said "Do whatever you feel like" So she happened to be the lucky one in front where I was standing and now her face will look farnehh HAHAHAH. >:} I only loved class picture btw. I was late for angklung picture so I didn't have time to glam up, and then for the fun shot, my face was, ugh, uncalled for. So not buying ::D And then PBMC picture was awfully crowded. And me, being blessed with awezome height, had to stand with juniors. Hafizah got upgraded to third row. Unfair Haha. And then for fun shot, please don't get me started. It was horrible.
(With the Sec One noobs standing in front of ME and stoning like no one's business and then we sec threes asked them to bend down a bit they STARED at us first. Biatches. Ugh.) See I told you not to get me started. NOOOBS.
My sister was sleep talking just now. Again, for the third time this week. HAHA. You should rly hear her, it's fecking hilarious.
Labels: 3S2b ♥, hilarious, photo taking
That's not how you find it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 14:16
Hahahah Hi. :D I wanted to write sth here but I decided I wouldn't. Cause I can tell you all will bug me to tell you ::::) Dayemn I don't make sense.
HAHAHAH IMVU FTW. Hot guys alert ;D
Labels: Random.
Of all the hatred you harbour.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 22:32
I love happybunnies. I've got a whole collection of 'em now! Siti sr, want some of em? ^^

Yeap very worth it. NYEAGH SO ADORABLE ::::D
Labels: obsessed
T-t-tongues always pressed inside your cheeks.
@ 21:35
Nyeargh, confirm I failed the chem test. Seriously a
test right
after mid-year
exams?! School is killing me. Oh and my results were awesomely bad. But higher than what I expected srsly. I haven't used my Windows Journal in a long long time.
Someone, make study dates with me! Oh and tell me how to improve my Malay! Everything else I can do on my own (I think) except Malay. And how can I call myself a
Higher Malay student?! Btw, I told my dad and he was like, "With these kind of scores you want to be journalist? Fat hope!" Wow, thanks dad. _-_
Labels: screwed
Won't trust a ho.
@ 07:08

Hahaha sorry for not blogging. I just got my tablet repaired ytd :D Yes for the umpteenth time. Anw, I have a lot of plans for June holidays, so please okay, if any of you wants a date with me, check my schedule. And I plan to go on a lot of dates haha. (Absolutely
no life.)
- 6th till 8th June - YMC camp
- 8th & 9th June - Higher Malay Class Chalet
- 11th till 13th June - 6A'06 Class Chalet.
Anw, went to 484 these past two days. I went there ytd, to see a few damn hot guys. :::) I live such a pathetic life. Sigh. But at least I get to see hot guys HURHUR ::::) And I met a friend, who lookds freaking fourteen but he's actually twenty! OMG. Oh and he used to be an OBS instructor. Hahaha only tell me after I went to OBS. Cheese keju.
Labels: date, dayumn
No one really knows what they are searching for.
Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 17:28
Quotes to remember for life:
"Don't walk behind me, I might not lead.
Don't walk in front of me, I might not follow.
Walk beside me and be my friend."
I said this to Mrunal when only both of us were walking back to out tent. I was scared okay.
"The only thing more painful
than learning from experience
is not learning from experience."
Checkpoint 00. :D
Labels: quotes
Like the blade you stain.
@ 17:14
Stop pissing me off.
You know I look up to you for advice and tips. But yet, when I come home, you make it seem like I was an unwanted moron in the house. When I come home, I want people to welcome me home with warmth and such (cheem I know) but you. You scolded me for being over demanding and bossy and assuming. Tell me how can I not be angry? I couldn't log on my tablet, the fan in the bedroom is gone and I had to clean up the house. Obviously not my mess, and I still had to clean it. Come on, I was gone for a whole week. It can't possibly be MY mess. Urgh. You suck to the core.
Fine, you say I always want to be the boss in the house. From now onwards, you lead then. Let's see how well you do. Next time, I might just go off and never come back. Hell, I plan to run away someday. Just so you know.
I'm sorry this is just a rant from a stressed soul.
Labels: rant
Only you can let it in.
@ 15:42

A veryyy lengthy post. Don't read if you don't want to. Okay OBS flashback time :D
(Main points =
~MONDAY, 11th MAY 2009
- Was grouped into Washington♥, (Group 10) and our instructor was Murali.
- I got to know a few oth new people like Charmaine, Ethel and so on.
- We bonded quite easily.
- Then reached campsite, checked store etc
- I'm the day i/c :::)
- Then changed into wet attire for... Kayaking!
- Partnered with Wen Qi and we kayaked q well.
- Capsizing was awful, water actually went into our noses.
- I gagged, badly.
- Then we learnt how to see saw the boat.
- After that, instructors taught us how to do the rescue in deep waters.
- Oh and did I tell you, the weather was absolutely crazy.
- It rained, and then the rain stopped. And then it rained and stopped again.
- Crazy I tell you.
- We grouped up with Yan Yee and Millicent.
- Took q long cause we were all exhausted.
- Murali pushed us and we finally made it.
- Such a long and draggy day.
- Later on, we learnt how to pitch tents and how to cook.
- Accidentally left a tent back at the store so me and Mrunal went to get it.
- It just snapped! Like that! *SNAP!* ):
- After all the hectic stuff of getting the door to open and all (Murali helped us), we finally got our tent.
- I shared a tent with Yan Yee and Millicent.
- Sleep never felt so good.
~TUESDAY, 12th MAY 2009
- Woke up early to do PT and then we wrote in our OBS journals.
- Went back to store area to pack a bit.
- Got ready our harnesses and helmets for the high elements!
- Learnt how to do belaying and the belay calls.
- I did DDD with Izzati.
- It was damn tough from the beginning.
- The logs kept on distancing and we couldn't make it to the fourth log.
- But its okay, we did our best alr, and I'm proud for at least getting to the third log.
- Then I belayed twice and almost fainted, damn tired.
- So I went to sat down beside Mrunal and Khummithra.
- Told Mrunal the muffin and the stand fan joke. HAHA
- And found out Mith loves Arashi too! Zomfg ♥
- Then it was our thoughts for the day.
- I was really touched by Izzati's words.
- (Roughly) "I saw that Siti was so motivated. So I thought, 'If she can be determined, why can't I?' I was really determined because Siti was"
- Izzati, thanks so much, you touched my heart :D
- Then we took our bags everything, kept everything else and went to Camp 2.
- We trekked there.
- Everyone almost died.
- Another group was otw, HAHA Murali knew whr t go, but he refused t tell th oth instructor.
- So after they went off, we quickly went th oth directn.
- Damn farney, he was going "EH QUICK GIRLS! BFR TH OTH GRP REALIZES!"
- We finally reached Camp 2.
- Pitched tent, cooked everything.
- Toilet was gross.
- There was a spider the size of my palm. Super gross.
- Then awhile after that, sth pissed me off but I am def not telling you.
- We had to wait for Tock Seng cause Sea Ex was gna be with them.
- Then about an hour later, everything ended.
- Sleep never felt better.
- Well at least until someone had to wake me up 5 minutes later!
I'll do the next three days later on, there's a lot to talk about. Oh and no one is asking you to read it! It's for meeee. To reminisce. Heh ♥
Labels: farney, OBS, Washington♥
Where the crews collide.
Friday, May 15, 2009 @ 22:06
But I can't switch on my tablet for nuts. Damn. Update more later/tmr/anyday from now, I have stuff to do, like unpacking my bag. Washington was loveee.
"Eh is Siti inside the toilet?"
"Aiyah confirm the toilet clean already la."
-.- Wah thanks ah Wen Qi.
Labels: Washington
Drowned the whole world.
Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 19:52
And don't worry, I'll have fun, & be tan. Can't wait for tmr, 5 days and 4 nights in wildernesss. HEHEEEE. Till then,
... Miss me zD
Labels: miss me
Make that dead locks.
Saturday, May 9, 2009 @ 22:46
Oh and yeah, I keep on forgetting, shootzx. Thank you Jie'r for the treat on thu ::D And for accompanying me on fri :D
Love you!
And hint
everyone, my birthday's on a YMC day! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO. More presents. YOSHA!
@ 20:55
HAHHA I FEEL DAMN EGO ALR! ZhanTeng called me cool:

HEHEHE. Anw, after like 22937389 years, I finally went to CCK Ave 5 :D Awezome right, I know! Didn't see Putri though, but it's okay. Wanted to ask her sth. But otw home, I saw Roze! Finally! I missed her so much. She's kinda different, and she doesn't seem as tall as before, which meant, I grew ;D But I had to grow, I mean, I didn't see her for almost three years? Yeah, 3 years. Good times while I was living there, good times.
Oh and to the previous post, the lie is that I'm going to UK. OBVSLY. I'm going OBS la. Cannot wait. But with G and K, I find it hard to like accept it. 1stly, they're fcuking stuck up and ugh. 2ndly, they look like spoilt people, never do anything before like that. ZOMG I hope I don't die. I can't wait for jetty jump though. Going shopping with dad for shoes tmr ;D
Guess who's in trouble.
Labels: trouble, zomg
You'll miss what I have to say.
Friday, May 8, 2009 @ 17:51

Exams are over and I am a happy happy kid. An ultimate happy kid wheee~ [I know the picture doesn't comprehend my feelings but hell. HAHA] And next week, from Monday to Friday I'm going on a holiday treat to Brighton in UK, a treat from my parents to have studied so hard for my MYEs. And I'm super excited. Guess the lie ;D So no blogging for me till then.
Labels: running away
When did life get so real?
Thursday, May 7, 2009 @ 19:11
Examination hiatus.

11 Papers to go!2 Papers down, 9 to go!4 Papers down, 7 to go!6 Papers down, 5 to go!8 Papers down, 3 to go!
10 Papers down, 1 to go!
I'm a happy happy kid :::)
A veryyy happy keeeeed Heeeeee.
Labels: examination hiatus
I don't have my iTunes with me currently.
@ 17:18
Guess what day it is today :DIt's supposedly Solo's birthday! Aww I ultimately miss that freaking furball. And his purring. And his warmth. Really. Wherever you are, my baby boy cat, hope you're living a good life, in heaven or sth. Miss you <3>
And this day last year, I started liking you.Labels: speshul
And our day was based on fantasy we never knew.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 @ 20:37

I am going to stay up tonight okay okay? OKAY. PHYSICS IS EEM-PORE-TAHNT. :D And I'm going to look like that up there ^ HAHHA I LOVE CAMEROID LUVVVV (A)
I should really stop taking a lot of pictures of my face and my face only.
Like srsly.
Labels: cameroid
Sing just one last song for me.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 @ 17:43
That's it. I'm going to get pink hair after O's HAHA (Cameroid isn't helping me with chem at all. Sigh)
OH and the mi sambal goreng was deelicious. Hee.
Labels: crazy
You're the one with nothing on the line.
@ 14:56
Random thought #1:
Sunday, May 3rd, 2009
(3:52 PM) ATTIYA: | HAPPY BIRTHDAY  although i cant remember what date it is but i think its in may hahha xDD
Attiya damn cute zomg! HAHA. Remind me to splash her with flour when I see her. HAHA. No la, remind me to get a lollipop for her for being very amusing :D
Random thought #2:
[Not so] Random thought #3:
NYEARGHHHHHH, staying at home the whole day with Internet on your fingertips is not a good idea. I've been online since fucking ten I should really go study. Like now now now. Hellyea, I am prepared to fail, but if I knew I had the time to study and I still failed, two words: Major disappointment. And both parents and teachers would probably bury me alive. AKI GO STUDYYY! NOW!
But, let me eat my mi sambal goreng first. Sambal goreng, I know. I never eat spicy stuff. But I had to choose between mi sambal goreng or chicken flavoured maggi mi. Ate that stuff a zillion times. Mi sambal goreng smells disgusting and spicy. Okay.
Labels: damn cute
We owe the streets of this small town.
Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 18:26
Supposed to be on exam hiatus but,

HAHAH OMG TODAY WAS SUPER COOL! MY FAMILY ACTUALLY WENT OUT, AS A FAMILY! OMG, and the best part is, my parents didn't majorly fight! OMG :D Didn't get a family photo though. Sigh. Oh, went trekking at MacRitchie Reservoir, walked more than 10 km, hahah I lost weight duh. You could practically see my fats going, going and gone, poof! Heh. And then we ate lunch at Changi Village hahah. Sugar cane drink! Damn nice I tell you! Then home-d.
I still wanna go to CCK Ave 5 like right now. Sigh. I am so bored.
Happy Sixteenth Birthday Putri!
Labels: birthday, bored, family, sad