Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 20:49
Do you people who talk to me a lot
or not realize something? I never use the common phrase LOL. Nope not once. My dad banned me from using it when I just got my hand phone way back in 2006. Yup. Sad but true. And right now, I'm kinda proud cause I barely use slang :D According to dad, LOL means Living Out Loud (and not Laugh Out Loud as you people would say) aka being gay or lesbian or stuff. That's why I can't use it. See I'm such a good girl :D I follow daddy's word. And dad says I can't have boyfriend till I get a stable job. I guess that's gonna be true. I love my dad :D
Today is like SLACK day. Damn the boring. I woke up at ten thirty, bathed, used internet for a while, watched teevee for a while, use internet again, went to sleep till three thirty or four, watched teevee, ate and used internet. HAHA. Lazy sunday mornings and nights. :/ At this rate ah, I think I'll gain weight. And I already like my flat tummy :} There you go Salwa(:
I'm going Ramadhan Rocks camp! WHOO. Mum says GO LA. Dad says ANYTHING. So, that means a resonating YES. It beats sitting at home doing nothing and fainting is worth a try. *shrugs* :D I plan
not to faint. HELLYEA.
"When you see me fly away without you,
shattered on the things you know,
feathers fall around you,
and show you the way to go, it's over.
It's over."I guess you stand a better chance than me.
Good luck to you then :)
I am still debating whether I should laugh or cry.
I love Theoretical Girl.
Labels: ban, boring day, camp, dad, heartbroken, irony, LOL, lyric(s), obsession dying, slack day
@ 11:05
Palalla, take a look at my girlfriend cause she's the bestest one around! :D
(... = you guys are not supposed to know)
LOL. Lau sara gi skali ar. Alamak, cam malas ar. Fine, i confirm with you tmr.a:
If i go alone. I won't have any fun. At all. Cause none of my besties are there to share the thrills. D: Moral of text. just come.m:
HAHA. Okayokay. See first. Aku actually nk gi but nowadays aku tak hyper sangat.a:
Nehmind! :D Just be there with me and you'll become high! XDDDD Btw, didcha know ....? O.Om:
Hahaha! What the blah. As expected. Whatever la.a:
...! XDDDm:
Uhhhh. HAHAHA. ahem. HAHAHAHAHAH XD. hahahahaha. Sorry. Haha.a:
...! ... AHAHAHAHAAH. Sara said ... ^^m:
What the! Hahaha. ... haha, jiayou! XDa:
... haha. (Ohamgee. ...) xDm:
What the freaky!! Hahahahaha!a:
I knw babe! XD ...m:
Woah. Yar, don't man. Hahaha.a:
Yah, sad manzxzxz. But nehmind! ... XDm:
Hahaha! Baik ar! Okay. I see i see.a:
Mmhmm. Ciao. Talk to you tmr. ngantuk ah. Gdnight! :D love, ...'s stalker <3!m:
Hahahaha! Okies. Adios stalker-chan! XD hahaha.Try figuring out the ...'s HAHA.
Oh and the other day, I was on the train to CCK with Theng Hui and I saw this dude who looks like he stepped out of a manga book. He was damn hot and had a very pretty boy face. Omfg. He so beats Oguri Shun and Matsu Jun. But too bad, he's not famous. *shrugs* And his girlfriend was... ugh. Not at all pretty, seriously. XP
Labels: hot dude, MUR(:, stalker
Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 11:54
(sorry for posting a lot of times)
And now, I will own the record for the most number of visits to TA for hardware problems. GAH.
Labels: ARGH
@ 11:37
Long bus rides are fun. But when the bus ride is an hour and 20 minutes long, it sucks. And your butt will hurt from sitting on the bus too long. I will refrain from taking 66 to get to my mom's house again. Argh. My mom lives in Bedok and I live in Bukit Batok. FAR MANZXZXZ.
Labels: ouch
dot dot dot.
@ 11:29
D: No offense people, but somehow, yesterday I don’t feel the attachment to CCKPS anymore. Really no offense, but the feelings no longer there. In fact, I felt tired once I reached the front gate and really really wanted to go back HOME. Yes, home. So I guess that hyper-ness last year was just for show. Shallow me. :}Teachers’ day was quite a bore. Entertain me people. The only time I was interested was when
1) I was eating CCKPS canteen food again :D
(but sadly, the food quality seemed rather bad)
2) I was learning parts of Jive from Mur :D
(because JIVE IS FUNNNNN!)Most other times I’d be reading ‘The Devil wear Prada’ and listening to songs. Seriously, I wasn’t that energetic to play any sports. Sorry ah people :/
Bronte didn’t win anything Dx I almost cried... So sad man D: Okay and other than that, the concert. Not as bombastic as last time. Seriously. Last year was more bomb. Gah. But 4C1’s skit’s ending was fun :D
(Sung to Low)
equivalent to ‘ She hit the floor’NEXT THING YOU KNOW,
Xianyun's advice :D
There will be bad people among good people and there will be good people among bad people :D
Cool right? Okay till then :D
Labels: advice, CCKPS, D:, mass dance, sad, Teachers' Day 08
New blog song :D
Thursday, August 28, 2008 @ 12:04
New blog song xD
Labels: new stuff
@ 10:55
The only thing that keeps me from skipping school on Thursdays are Angklung and earliest recess of the week. Other than that, I would most probably not be present in class. Bleagh. Malay class now is sharing session. YAY. Sharing session so fun! We talk about supernaturalities and stuff. :D Back to malay now, byebye :D
PST, Alisa, I won't be doing the quiz again XP
Labels: :D, LMAO, Malay-related, THURSDAYS
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @ 13:01
On 23rd :D
Front row: (L-R) Me, Nadia, Dayan, Adee
Back row: (L-R) Yayan, Faiz, Fazri and Feerdaus
(All are cousins and sisters.)

[more quotes first]
After music:
Katty: Those people who can change the
obscene way please change the
obscene way. Let those people who can't change the obscene way
use the toilet. :D
During assembly, in class:
Mdm Yeoh: I need volunteers for next Saturday.
Hui Fang: Eeee. Don't want.
Mdm Yeoh: CIP hours will be given, 6 hours.
Hui Fang:
ME ME ME!(see lah, the person sitting behind me. Tsk tsk.)
I did mention I have a disliking for super tall people? I did, didn't I? Haha, nola. But yeah, I'll practically say I hate you to people with a height of over 165 cm. I will. xP
For example, my cousin Fazri.
(WHOM I JUST FOUND OUT HE SCHOOLS AT NEWTOWN! GASP.) The last time I saw him, approximately two years ago, he was shorter than me. Yes, believe it. SHORTER. Now, he is 169cm. Dammit you growth spurts. DAMMIT. ARGH. >.<
My exam marks. One word... no, make it two. UTTERLY HORRIBLE. Don't wanna talk about it.-
Hope this is not too late: GOOD LUCK TO THE SEC4s TAKING O's THIS YEAR! - Amee♥ - Liyana♥ - Ryhan♥ - Hanisah♥ - Siti♥ - Ain♥ -Raihan♥ -Aqilah♥ -Khaliesah♥ -Sharah♥ -Aisyah♥ -Attiqah♥ -And all others I know!♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
(Sorry, time strapped.)-
Labels: camp, goodlucks, height matters, horrible, picture(s), quotes, YMC
Classmates XD (and teachers)
Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 13:26
Nishan the weirdest person that I love(:

Dini: Oguri Shun has UGLY
boob muscles.
Normal people: Auntie, Ribena no ice.
Nivethitha: Auntie, Ribena
no cup.
Xue Ling: I thought
Macbeth is a woman?
Ms Ng: You ah, don't take lit in Sec3.
Mr Choy: Eh, this last question I set. Good right?
Xue Ling: Idiot la. So hard one.
Mr Choy: You ah, I feel like
deducting your marks.
Xue Ling: WOAH, the question very good. :D
(Realize teachers like to say 'You ah...'to Xue Ling? XD)
There was a pigeon outside our class during Lit today. :D Very pretty pigeon. Ms Ng got distracted for awhile too, but the whole class got distracted for 15 minutes. Then it flew away D: I was laughing my ass off because the whole class was engrossed with the pretty looking white pigeon with black spots
(and partly because Ms Ng couldn't get the class to settle down. Evil me.) Esther wanted to bring the pigeon in. HAHA.
I have three pages full of Geography notes all from textbook. Reason: I'll fall asleep if I'm not doing anything. And Mr Siow confiscated my book last Wednesday. He gave it back today. YAY. Can go back to reading since somehow I've lost interest on The Devil Wear Prada, the book, not the band.
I love 2G1'08 a lot lot. :DDDDDD
The pigeon came back but Niveetha scared it away D: IHAVEGOODNEWS. Tell you later. FREAKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD NEWS!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Labels: class love, conversations
Let's run away forever.
Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 17:25
Run away from homework. Run away from school. Run away from problems. Run away from life. ARGH. HOMEWORK.
Things to do:
1) Flash for PBL
2) Script for PBL website.
3) Maths exercise 9.2 and 9.34) Malay Buku Teks m/s 48
5) Design and Technology Journal.
Gah. So many things. GAH. And now my back hurts. (Notice the only thing I've done is maths?)
Labels: gah, homework
Questionnare. :D
@ 16:11
1. The person who tag/pass you is?
2. Your relationship with him/her?
ultimate loser best friend XD
3. Your five impression of him/her?
lame, ego, tall, skinny and
very slow.
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
make me return the Cafe Galilee plate. -.-
5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you?
... thinking... chotto matte, OH! I can't remember XD
6. If he/she become your lover, you will?
What Natalya said "ROCLMAO. XD"
7. If he/she became your lover, he/she has to improve on?
hahha, she's fine the way she is :D
8. If he/she became my enemy, you will?
Mourn the death of a friendship.
9. If he/she became your enemy, the reason will be?
Cause I'm selfish? I dunno.
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
Make her less horny. Really. XD
11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
One of the bestest girlfriends!
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
Hahha, that I'm too hyperactive and straightforward.
13. The characters you love of yourself are?
EH, I'm not THAT ego okay.
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are?
lazy ass.
15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
Hahha, I'm guessing Dakota Fanning, best child actress ever man! XD
16. For people who care and like you, say something to them.
Aw, thanks babes and hunks :D And my blog lacks space for thank you speeches. XD
17. Pass this quiz to 10 person that you wish to know how they feel about you.
1. Murnira(:
2. Amee(:
3. Fir(:
4. Salwa(:
5. Aisyah(:
6. Hakiim(:
7. Thenghui(:
8. Dian(:
9. Sabreena(:
10. Kimmie(:
18. Who is no.6 having a relationship with?
He won't tell. XD 'I want to kiss you.'
19. Is no.9 a male or female?
20. If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
Hm. No. XD
21. What is no. 2 studying about?
Whatever sec4s in Regent Sec has to study? :D
22. When was the last time you had a chat...(dude where's the remaining question?)23. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
Hahha, dunno.
24. Does no. 1 has any siblings?
yup. she has four siblings some more.
25. Will you woo no.3?
*pukes* No. (No offence ah Fir)
26. How abt no.7?
Hahha, maybe ^^
27. Is no.4 Single?
Should be la.
28. What is the surname of no.5?
Dunno. XD
29. What's the hobby of no.10?
Dunno also. XD
30. Does no. 5 and 9 get along well?
You bet they do :D
31. Where is no.2 studying at?
Regent Secondary School :D
32. Talk something casually about no. 1.
She's the best! :DDD
33. Where does no.9 live at?
Choa Chu Kang. :D
34. What colour does no. 4 like?
She refuses to reply me on MSN. So... Dunno :D
35. Are no.5 and no.1 best friend?
Nah. But they get along :D
36. Does no.1 have any pets?
Hm. No.
37. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
She used to be XD
38. What is no. 6 doing now?
I dunno. I can't ask him since he not online. Hehhe.
Labels: quiz
I have a new name.
Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 17:35
Rylie Evans.
It's just a cool name. And I made it all up. So for those who forgot me, my name is Rylie Evans. And nice to meet you XD
Labels: new name
@ 16:52
My sense of balance is starting to fail me. It really is. The last time I took a double decker bus and wanted to get down the stairs, I nearly fell flat on my face. Luckily, handrails had already been invented. Must be my new Ronald McDonald school shoes, which are accidentally two sizes bigger. *scrunches nose* Damn it.
And ohamgee, my hair, I hate my hair. ARGH. Beanies rock. XD Okay now, I shall blog on Murnira's blog XD
Labels: balance, hair, ohamgee
Friday, August 22, 2008 @ 07:34
I think, I might be taking this subject combo.
-DOH, compulsory manxzx.Higher Malay.
-so I don't have to take Malay in JC.SS+Literature.
-Cause I suck in history.
Pure Geography.
-Geography by far is the easiest humanities.A Maths.
-MATHS IS FUN.Pure Chemistry.
-It's better than combined.Pure Physics.
-Yes, Farah, it's brainwashing me. xPSo hellyea. But if I had a choice, I'd most probably migrate to some other country cause education there is more lax. DOH. Who wouldn't?
(I can actually migrate to London y'know. My aunt lives there. Cool right?) okay bye. oh wait, where're the tags? -.-
Labels: issues, subject combo
english compo intro.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 09:24
I dashed through the front gate just as the school bell rang. I was soaking wet from the pouring rain and the distant rumble of thunder could be heard. Just as I reached the foyer, I saw the Discipline Mater and his eyes caught mine.
“You!” bellowed Mr Sim. “Get over here now!” I trudged drearily towards him. Suddenly, the surrounding changed and he was no longer there. I was now standing in a graveyard, the night now enveloping me. Black clouds gloomed above me, signalling the start of rain. My hair stood on end. I panicked and screamed my lungs out.
I awoke with a start, sitting up straight. My eyes darted around, making sure I was in my own bedroom. This nightmare had been going on for days. I could no longer take it but who could I confide in? People would think I was just being childish.
My part is the one in
dark blue. Good? :D
This is the first time I'm saying this. Bleagh to maths man. D: And yay to malay.
Labels: common tests results, english, schoolwork
some points.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 11:13
1) I know I'm not cool enough for you.
2) Hana Kimi is the bomb.
3) Build a bridge and get over it.
4) Eyes Set To Kill is awesome.
5) I need to play some sport.
6) The letter has a third edition.
7) Yes, that letter that is super coolded.
8) I miss why-am-cee sessions alot.
9) Your smile keeps me up for days.
10) Do I really need to write about something bombastic then you'll tag? :/
Labels: bored.
avril lavigne's coming to town.
@ 06:52

I saw on the bus TV today that Avril's coming here for her Best Damn Tour. Very best damn I bet. (No not really)
Date: 7th September 2008
Time: 8pm
At: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Tickets priced at: A LOT. (I bet.)
Whatever happened to old Avril? I want that person back. If it wasn't for her all new personality makeover, I will want to go. But hell no, this isn't that Avril and a million other kids out there will want her rebellious self back. Agree?
She had her first concert on 4th April 2004. I really REALLY wanted to go but mom said I was too young. DOH. I was only P4. The best part was, ticket prices weren't half as ridiculous as now. D:
Labels: Avril Lavigne
three cheers for assignment completed.
Monday, August 18, 2008 @ 08:40
YAY, new skin is done! Nice right? Nice right? (Just say yes la.) I am able to complete this because Mr Choy is not here, yet. Or not coming. I don't know. Okay not coming. Yeah so. Malay next, starting in about 15 minutes time. Alamak, later got geog and lit. Mampus.
Oh comments about my blogsong please. Pretty pretty please(: It's called This Love You Breath by Eyes Set To Kill. It's really damn nice.
My comments:Very nice vocals. Screamer is superb. The guitar solos are awfully nice. I love the lead singer's voice, oh am eff gee. I really love the first part, the part where her soft voice is just killing and is able to go high. The lyrics, ohmygod man, its the BEST.
Talking about screamo, me and my sister's convo yesterday.
Me: Eh, Dee, actually we have been listening to screamo since young right? I mean Linkin Park.Dee: Linkin Park's not screamo.Me: I know la. But we have been listening to screamo all along ma. Chester scream what.Dee: The genre of the music is called screamo, the screamer is called throat.Me: Throat, oh. Why not gullet?Dayan: HAHA!Dee: Huh? Gullet? What's that?Me: -.- Your oesophagus?Dayan: ALAMAK, itu pun tak tau.Dee: HUH?!Me: The thing behind your windpipe la.Dee: ohhh.Dayan: Alamak. Slow lah Ila.Me: Walao. -.-Adee, you should join Kamal's gang. Blonde ah you people. Tsk, XD.
Guess what people? Hui Fang told me to write about her bothering me. She's sitting beside me and watching at what I have to type :D (Told me to put the smiley face too) Okay there you go, THF(:
Labels: convo, Eyes Set To Kill, new stuff, THF
Sunday, August 17, 2008 @ 14:05
MINDLESS RAMBLES. (Don't mind me, lengthy post)I feel like playing some active pumped up sport since common tests are over. I really do. Maybe I should go book a badminton court and invite people to challenge me? I swear, my badminton skills are going down down down. Or maybe I should join some association, for instance hockey? And work my butt out. Maybe. We shall see. :D
Did you know? My dad used to be a hockey player. Cool right? He used to be a footballer (doh), a long jumper, high jumper, triple jumper and a shot put thrower. Oh and he can play any kind of sport except basketball, swimming and something else. Back to being a hockey player, in P4, he just happened to be playing hockey with his friends and the teacher saw him and made him join hockey team. But ... he was the goalie. Haha, (laugh laugh.) XD Yeah, but according to him, he was the best goalie/hockey player for five straight years, all the way into secondary school. God knows what happened to the sixth.
Yeah, so, maybe I should have joined hockey, it seems so damned cool. My dad said if I had joined hockey, he would have bought me a hockey stick. Some way or another, he'll buy. He didn't say so manzxzxz. I would have so joined. DOH. But he's gonna teach me a few tricks of hockey, hehe, yay man. He said, also, his hockey sticks were the best, and people always stole them. Now where they are also I don't know.
But really really, can someone go ajak me on a sports outing or something? Bored ah. D: I'd love to learn a few things about hockey(: I still love angklung though♥
Labels: dad, hockey, mindless rambles
Saturday, August 16, 2008 @ 17:10
Since no one tagged me to guess about that
V = RI
I shan't bother answering. *shrugs*
ACS WON! followed by Saints... then
Raffles! Congrats you ruggers! I didn't know Shi Wei is a rugger! OMG SO KEWLZXZXZ! Dwee went there too yesterday, but I didn't see him. D: If not, could have like a three ex-6Aians meet up. HA, right. Lame la.
Me: Eh, Dwee. Later tell me who won can? I need to go home first la.
(After game ended...)
Dwee: Obviously we win right.
Alamak, ego ah Dwee. Yeah, so anyway. Went home early. (Checked time: 4.56pm) Took 852. Bloody one hour ride home. Butt hurt like a hell lot. Ouch. Reached home. (Checked time: 5.57pm) Bathed and dozed off.
Today had Malay oral. I think I screwed up. Don't you think I screwed up? I think I screwed up. Ah, nevermind. It's over now. Don't think. HEH. Passage was about heart/ chest pains. Then the question was "Pada pendapat awak, apakah tabiat orang Singapura yang akan menjejaskan kesihatan mereka?" -Translation --> In your opinion, what habits do Singaporeans have that will affect their health?
Yeah so I had two points. My first point was about smoking. Then think think think, shoot, I know the second one... wait! Okay yeah, the second point was about eating fast food. Dude, I can't even remember the malay word for fatty acids.
Me: "Makanan segera mengandungi kolesterol dan apabila dimakan, kolesterol kolesterol tersebut disimpan di dalam badan sebagai... uhm, uhm, uhmmm.... Fats?"
Cikgu Kartini: "Lemak."
Me: "Lemak... Okay. Lemak tersebut akan disimpan di dalam badan dan uhm, apabila lemak yang telah disimpan menjadi terlalu banyak, stamina seseorang itu akan, uhm, turun."
Dan teruskanlah perbualan tersebut... :D
For those you non-Malay speakers/ readers, hahha, just get someone to translate for you. Lazy la. XD
I bought two new stuff today. Firstly, I bought new school/badminton shoes. White base with blue stripes. I highly doubt the white will stay for even a month. I can so bet you. And the second thing I got is a shirt, with a picture of a radio on it and the words "radio, Music has a humanizing influence" which is so totally cool. Oh wait, here's the best part. It's
Okay byebye. need to ciao. Dad broke door and now I have to go to the shop. Gees.
Labels: gees, Malay-related, new stuff, rugby
Friday, August 15, 2008 @ 13:37

Hey people. Post is in Malay because I have Malay oral tomorrow. Translation's at the bottom. :D
Before that, Alyssa has a note:
HELLO I AM HER CURRENT SITTING PARTNER! SHE IS CURRENTLY VERY HOT! OMG. (like literally yknow she's not ego) :DDDDDDDD :::::::::::::::D
Tiga perkara yang bagus telah terjadi - Saya telah mendapat telefon bimbit saya pulang. Saya sudah berbaik semula dengan seorang kawan, agaknya. DAN... UJIAN SUDAH LEPAS BAYBEHH! Hahha, YAY!Kini, saya sedang menonton versi Jepun Hana Kimi. Sebenarnya, saya hendak melihat episod kedua sejak Isnin miggu ini tetapi connection Internet di rumah pekak. Saya telah 'screwed' Ujian Mathematiks semalam. Ah, pasal ah. Okay kerana esok saya ada lisan Melayu, saya telah menaip entri ini dalam bahasa Melayu. Karat seh Melayu saya. Hahha, maaf maaf. Saya rasa kan, Cekgoo Melayu saya gerek. Dia seorang bekas polis. Best kan?Kira kira 3.30 petang nanti, saya akan beredar sekolah untuk ke Yio Chu Kang untuk menonton perlawanan rugby terakhir. Okay, hingga nanti. Selamat tinggal! :D-
Three great things have happened - I got my phone back. I'm okay again with a friend, I think, AND... COMMON TESTS ARE OVER BAYBEHH! Hahha, YAY!
Now, I'm watching the Japanese version of Hana Kimi. Actually, I wanted to watch episode two since this Monday but Internet connection at home sucks. I screwed up my Maths paper yesterday. Ah heck. Okay because I have Malay oral tomorrow, I'm writing this whole entry in Malay. My Malay is so rusty. Hahha, sorry sorry. Y'know, I think my Malay teacher is so cool. She's an ex-police. Best right?
Later at around 3.30pm, I'm gonna leave school to go to Yio Chu Kang to watch rugby match finals. Okay till then. Bye! :D
Oh and I learned a new physics formula today...
V = RI
What's V ah? XD
Answer coming up tomorrow!
(Suspense? Right.)Labels: boring post, Hana Kimi, Malay post, oliversykes, suspense
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 16:01
I can't seem to cool down. Another thing just occurred to me. My phone got bloody confiscated. Don't ask. So most probably, if you see this post at night, then most probably you got the password already. And yeah, don't tell anyone okay? They have to ask me personally(:
Today's a disaster. I've been sneezing ever since school started at seven this morning and I'm still sneezing. It sucks. During exam, my eyes and nose was red. It totally sucked. Then sniffled sniffled all the way through Malay exam, self study time, recess and Literature exam. All I needed was a good rest, but no, on the bus, Adee just had to disturb me. Ass.
Nishan said I should have gone home after Mother Tongue exam, but I refused, since I hate seeing empty slots in my report card. Now I think I should have. I'm still sniffling. And I have taken Clarinase, ohmygod, hate this sickness. My mail is taking freaking forever to load. Which so totally sucks too. Argh. I hope I'll be well by tomorrow because it's math and science exam bebbeh.
You haven't been online lately. Yeah, you were on Sunday, but someone else was using my laptop, so I couldn't talk to you. Darn, the obsession's back. I want to see you.
"Her feelings she hides, her dreams she can't find.
She's losing her mind, she's fallen behind.
She can't find her place, she's losing her faith.
She's fallen from grace, she's all over the place."Labels: common tests, lyric(s), random, unwell
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @ 23:18
Hello. Here to make a short speech.
I don't wish to get involved in your little catfights. Nor do you dare pull me into your bitchfests. If you do, I swear, I will blow up with all of you who started this little bitch shit. Stop arguing. I've had bloody enough. If I do blow up, don't say "Oh no! THERE SHE GOES... again." Let me tell you something missy(s), I have never ever gotten angry this year by friends. Family, yes. Friends, NO. Don't let this be another start of my screaming spree. Let me warn you first. Drag me in and you die die die. And that's the end of our friendship, understood? If you don't then too bad. Miss me while you can. Note, and while you're at it, don't you have secrets to confess?
"Hold on, feeling like I'm heading for a breakdown"And Salwa, sorry I lied babe, I really am gonna be depressed. I didn't want to you to know.
Labels: breakdown, emotional relapse, lyric(s), pissed, rant
@ 09:24
Yo. I'm back with pictures. Of the kenduri on Saturday(: THANKS TO DIAN for the pictures ^^-captions above pictures
3 little pigs XD
Now, 3 not-so-little girls(:
HA, adee's face got cut out.
Feminine? Riiiiight.
Other pics are damn unglam. So yeah. And more coming soon. It's still in mummy's pretty green camera and mummy has yet to email them all to me(: Oh and here's for you guys. One of my kiddie pictures.
It was taken at the airport, Terminal Two, I think, when I was nine. I am the one sitting in the middle and my younger sister's the one on the right. For your information, I was wearing a white Barbie doll tee with pink sleeves and a red checkered Hello Kitty dress on top. My sister was wearing a blue denim dress with flowers all over. I miss those days D:

To you, I'm sorry. I really am. But I don't want to keep secrets anymore. I really don't want to. It friggin sucks. I don't think we can still be close friends this way but I hope we can still keep in contact. THIS. FRIGGIN. SUCKS. I sure as hell will miss hanging out with you. Sad to say, the show must go on. Talking about shows, astalavista babes. The show's over if I
fail Geography common test
badly. So right now, hardcore Geog mug. (Baik ar, exam starts at 11 later.)
"Why the hell you go and make things so complicated?"Labels: lyric(s), picture(s), rant
Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 19:46
I think our little group of friends is falling apart. Really we are. Enough of this fudge. Screw man. Hukum berfitnah sama beratnya dengan membunuh. And that's why I try not to bitch anymore. Someone, pull me out of this bitchfest. Please.
I'm at 484 now with Sara and Mur. Indra, Khai, Aziq, and all went off already. Hi, I'm sick of you telling me who to hang out with and all. It's my problem if I want to go out with somebody. And don't worry, I'm not going to be sucked into their mentality or anything. I know my limits. So yeah. OHAMGEE, the neighborhood cat is so cute. VERY CUTE. It's just running around and all, then suddenly stops and curls up in a corner.
I'm grounded for a month. I'm coming home late. Damn. Ah, takpe ah. Okay I don't know what to say. OH YEAH, common tests start tomorrow. SHEEEEEESH kebabs. DIE DIE. adios.
Labels: bitchfest, cat(:, common tests
Sunday, August 10, 2008 @ 17:55
What do I do to ignore them behind me?
Do I follow my instincts blindly?
Do I hide my pride from these bad dreams?
And give in to sad thoughts that are maddening?Do I sit here and try to stand it?
Or do I try to catch them red-handed?
Do I trust some and get fooled by phoniness,
Or do I trust nobody and live in loneliness?Because I can't hold on when I'm stretched so thin
I make the right moves but I'm lost within
I put on my daily facade but then
I just end up getting hurt againBy myself [myself]
I ask why, but in my mind
I find I can’t rely on myself
I can’t hold on
To what I want when I’m stretched so thinIt’s all too much to take inI can’t hold on
To anything watching everything spin
With thoughts of failure sinking inIf I
Turn my back I’m defenselessAnd to go blindly seems senseless
If I hide my pride and let it all go on then they’ll
Take from me ‘till everything is gone
If I let them go I’ll be outdone
But if I try to catch them I’ll be outrunIf I’m killed by the questions like a cancer
Then I’ll be buried in the silence of the answer
by myself [myself]
I ask why, but in my mind
I find I can’t rely on myself
How do you think I’ve lost so much
I'm so afraid that I'm out of touchHow do you expect... I will know what to do
When all I know Is what you tell me to
Don’t you know
I can’t tell you how to make it go
No matter what I do, how hard I try
I can’t seem to convince myself why
I’m stuck on the outside[Chorus x2]
-Linkin Park, By Myself.
In crowds just don't know a thing about being on the sidelines. Watching them, trying to be them. They don't know. And I guess, they'll never learn.
Labels: Linkin Park, lyric(s), pissed
@ 17:26
Okay, sorry for not blogging about two AWESOMATIC like shizxzxz days. Hehhe, yeah here you go peeps.
FridayYMC outing was fun. But not as fun without Shaleen. I went because of her and she couldn’t come D: How miserable... D: Yeah, we arrived there first, there was, Afee, Sab Azmi, Nadia Ibrahim, Alyssa, Geraldine and me. Then Riverside people arrived, Farlyanna, Hazirah and Amirah. Then Aliah, Syifa, Hanan, Narisha and Sadrina came :D People were gonna be late, so we went to Sentosa first. Then after awhile, after we found a place and sat down, Nurul, Dini and Idris arrived.
At the small island, me, Nurul and Sadrina went into the freezing ocean. HAHHA, FUN! Oh and Sadrina cheats in head diving challenges, tsk tsk. Alert alert manzxzxzx. XD Somewhere along there, Hakiim and Fir arrived. Me, Nurul and Sadrina were bored, so we rolled on the beach then when we stood up, we looked like peanut candybars! OH SO COOL! XDDD
Yeah, so we played Frisbee, Mr Wolf and “sth sth sth Ubi Kayu.” YEAH, very the fun ^^ Oh and the highlight was when some clever people threw up a pair of sandals, a volleyball and a frisbee on a tree plus a volleyball on the shelter top. Clever people -.-“ This Indian man climbed up and got the stuff down for us! Thank you so much! If not, the owner(s) of the volleyballs would be pissed at us and THAT would be just plain awful. Note, why the hell do girls take so long to bathe? Are they renovating the bathrooms or something? Or putting extra facilities like racks in the bathroom? Gees.
In the end, I went home thirsty and mouth tasted of cheese on bus 61, long bus ride home there. Home sweet home and went to sleep about an hour later :D
Ps. Pictures are on why-am-cee blog(:
In the morning was kids central catch up time! Watched Ryukendo at 9.30am, Pokemon Diamond&Pearl at 10am, Ben10 at 10.30am. Switched teevee off to sweep house floor (missed Latest Buzz) and switched it back on for Hannah Montana at 11.30am. Watched some more cartoons till 2 and then ciao-ed to Woodlands to meet mommy. :D
Yeah, so mommy came in late and we went off to cousin’s house at Admiralty. Once arrived and went upstairs bedroom, Kak Dijah was there. She said I look diferent and that I was an emo person. Hahha, okay. Fine fine. Emo emola. Asalkan bukan minah. Lagi teruk hahha, so yeah.
We,as in Dian, me, Adee, Siti Aisyah and Kak Dijah, camwhored and Yayan, as extra person. Oh and Nasuha’s related to me. Funny and freaky, hahha :D Adee’s tablemate is related to Nasuha who’s related to me. Small world :D. Then there’s this two small kids, Nabil and Ilham, ohmygod, there were super adorable! I can tell you ah, when they grow up, they’ll be very handsome ^^
At around 8.30pm, we went off. Somewhere on the way to Admiralty MRT, mommy got a call from Cik Peah saying that she is on the way. I’m guessing along with her four kids too, Feroz, Firdaus, Faiz and Fazri. Notice the ‘F’s?? Hahha, yeah so. Wanted to go back and say hi, but in the end didn’t and went back home.
Ps. Pictures are with mommy and cousin, still.
Done. Time consuming stuffs. Gees. Talking about gees, GEEEES, so much ah. So much ah. Thank so much ah. Now I feel like crap. And I am pissed. Baik ar. Baik. Way to go people. WAY TO GO. Gosh, thanks so much. I really don't know what to say! Speechless. SPEECHLESS I TELL YOU. The wonderment that lies between the talks and the smiles. SUCH A WONDERMENT. Thanks ah. GEEEEEES. Hundred percent figured out.
SECRETS DON'T MAKE FRIENDS.From First To Last, I love you guys for having SUCH influential lyrics. Once a reject, now popular in the screamo scene, I guess?
I don't usually know the incrowd gossips, but I don't really care. It's when friends have secrets from each other that I fucking hate. Note the word there. Yes, I'm fucking pissed. Thanks a lot.
And in case you are wondering, I am now at Bishan library with
Sara and Izhar mugging. Murnira just cancelled on us since she's gonna be somehow late. Okay get it? I've fucking had enough sia. ARGH.
Labels: cousin, outing, picture(s), pissed, rant, YMC
Thursday, August 7, 2008 @ 06:57
The letter has a second edition. But this time. It's really silly. I swear. 'The person who wrote this letter' = the person sitting behind me. So I know. Too bad for you non gee-oners. You won't know who. HAHA.
I am so short. I hate being short. I HATE BEING SHORT. I am a mere 147 cm. A MERE 147 CM. C'mon friggin primary fives are taller than me. I hate being short. I want to be tall tall TALL. Tall enough. My ideal height is 1.6. BUT NOOOO, I just had to be wayyyy shorter than that. I'm the shortest. I don't want to be shortest. Darn genes. DARN DARN DARN. Last time, I would say, it's okay. But now, NO. Being short has a lot of disadvantages and so few advantages. ARGH. I want to grow tall fast. Get me a skipping rope.
Thursdays. The worst days of the week. Firstly, there's Design and Technology first thing in the damned morning. I swear it's so boring. There'll be a hundred percent chance more than half the class will fall asleep if the teacher's weren't so strict. No offense. And please for god's sake, the lessons are practically lullabies. Ohmygod. Oh and there's this thing called Computer Studies where we are made to sit in the freezing cold and do software related stuff such as Flash and Dreamweaver. And expected to compile everything we know of it to create a excellent PBL website. COME ON. Internet is fishing distracting. Oh and then there's PBL, which, hellyeah, you guessed it, we are supposed to continue on with our PBL website. How great.
I still love Malay classes and Angklung & Kulintang though ^^
"I'm hooked on you, I need a fix, I can't take it.Just one more hit, I promise I can deal with it.I'll handle it, fix it.Just one more time, then that's it.Just a little bit more to get me through this."-
Labels: addicted, lyric(s), outing, rant, YMC
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @ 15:28
(You'll be seeing me online again!) :D
Labels: TPC, Wireless
@ 12:57
Hey, I see. I haven't blogged for two days. How cool. :D I'm a hardcore blogger. HAHA. Okay yeah. Yesterday went to RI vs Saints Rugby at Yio Chu Kang. Met up with Farah, intended to wit for Mur but in the end we ciao-ed first. So yeah, after awhile Mur, Kak Feena came. Then awhile after that again, Alisa and Nazihah came. Haha, yeap. Don't ask who won. Eh, you guys all, Izhar, Alif and Haziq, cheer up okay? I don't like seeing people cry. Reminds me of... stuff. So yeah, cheer up :)
I'm hungry, I didn't eat during recess. Just to save money for this Friday. And I need new school shoes. My Gallaz skate shoes are torn. So is my P6 badminton shoes. I need new shoes. Get me Pallaz ones. They look cute. :D Oh and I need a new school bag too. It's a horrendous shade of white that does not even look white. Please please please.
Why the hell am I complaining when I am much luckier than most others who live in LDC such as India and Africa? Be grateful. But I still NEED new shoes and bag. Oh while I'm at it, get me some Signo pens for my exams. Kaythanksbye.
Ah. I'm a total psycho. I still remember the fireworks. I'm writing in random sentences so that you won't figure what I'm saying. I miss a lot of people. My TPC wireless is still not fixed yet. *CURSES* I'm using Xin Yi's. Thanks ah! Oh and Design and Tech homework is still not done yet. But I don't want to do. Can I absent myself tomorrow? We might be getting class tees today. HAHA. yeah so Bye.
"I want to live in paradise."Labels: lyric(s), match, needs, psycho, random
Monday, August 4, 2008 @ 12:02
Hi, I just figured out something. Aisyah's not the only psycho around. Yes, I'm a psycho too. Okay, Note To Self: I am keeping my object of obsession a secret. Okay byebye.
Have some composure,Where is your posture?Oh no no! You're pulling the trigger, pulling the trigger all wrong.Labels: psycho
@ 07:58
The only time you ever have to look up to see me.
Naz: "Woah aki, I'm actually looking UP at you."

HAHA! SATURDAY WAS SO FUN! YAY! I went to North View Primary along with Farah, Nazihah, Firdaus, Hakiim, Danish, Idris, Hafeez, Siddeeq, Amzar, Farhan and Amzar. Okay I think that's all. Sorry ah if I forgot to write/ type your name here. Yeah and I made a lot of new friends! PRIMARY FIVER-s! HA. And Diyana, they are way cooler than ya. xP Haha, met Tiffany, Joey, Sarah, Sufi, Joseph, Alifah, Serene, Leshma and Dwika. I swear, Dwika is such a cool name. Haha, I mean D-W-I-K-A. Damn unique!
(THE FRIGGIN TAXI DRIVER CHEATED US.)Haha, okay after that whole elephant drama thing, around afternoon, we just went to have fun around the school. The guys played dodgeball while a few of us went with Sufi as he had to apologise to Sarah. Aw, damn cute man. :D then after that went back to the enclosed court. I wanted to play dodgeball but in the end didn't because none of the girls wanted to. Baik ar. Anyway, I'd feel weird being the only Secondary Two girl playing among small kids and guys. Ah, heck. But at least I sweated it out at a very fun game of merepek volleyball with Joey, Tiffany and Sarah. So badadadum and ciao-ed the school.
Then the guys went to play the monkey bars and girls went to hide under shade along with Tiff and Sarah. And when the guys went in, Farah, armed with my deodorant, sprayed every single person we knew who walked in. except Amzar. The sun was hidden behind the fluffy white clouds for awhile and we girls went to serang the monkey bars. I swung myself up onto the monkey bars. I was sitting on top of the thing. HAHA. Yay! One advantage of being a super hyper monkey when I was small. WHOOO.
After a whole afternoon with them, I went to NDP Preview. I got ticket from LuKhei. Note: TICKET. So yeah, I sat alone, since XinYi came in early and had first row seats. Ah, nevermind. I made the best out of it. And the motivators, okay some, were like super cute. HAHA. Sheesh. What girl talk on blog ah? Damn merepek english. XD Oh and I screamed cause I wanted to lose my voice.
Went home alone, and Tiffany called me! I told about SOME stuff which no, I'm not telling you guys. But she say she CAN and WILL come Crescent! SO COOL RIGHT? Like later, I'm Sec 4 then she, Sec1 knows me a Sec4, HAHA! COOL!!! Pictures are all on Farah's blog.
Okay, tada. ADIOS. Strapped for time.
"And as we wind on down the road,
our shadows taller than our souls."
Yes, I do listen to Led Zeppelin.
Labels: CIP, lyric(s), NDP Preview, NVPS, SingFest
Friday, August 1, 2008 @ 08:45
Song listening to: The Grim Goodbye by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Hello, I'm here today with a very interesting story. That's all I am going to talk/ blog about, nothing more.
There was a note on one of my classmates' table. She sit's exactly behind me. Curious of what the note was about, I picked it up. The note was written on fullscap paper and had been folded into four. The front side of the folded piece of paper said:
"Dear Person who sees this,
Please PICK me
UP and OPEN me... I have something
IMPT to tell you. :D"
And the back said:
"DO NOT throw me
into the dust bin/ recycling bin/
on the ground/ any bin..."
I chuckled to myself and opened it up. The letter said:
Thank You for taking some time to read this letter.
I just want to say "Hi!" and hope you don't know who I am.
This letter is just a decoy to make you waste some time
standing here, while many minutes pass in your life.
If you are stil reading this, I hope you have a HAPPY:D day
and may you be happy. This is just telling you to read (seriously),
I am sorry for taking up this few minutes of your life, but at
least I know that someone in this world is willing to sacrifice a few
minutes of her life for something meaningful (this).
I sincerely thank you for have read until here.
Time to bid my farewells. But I hope you will get more letters
in future.
May your wishes come true and you receive more of
such letters.
Thank You for reading this.
Ps. How many minutes have I taken up from your life?
=D ♥ the person
who wrote this
How nice is that? So now, I would like to thank every reader of my blog who took time off from your hectic schedule to read my blog. It shows you have time for my thoughts, feelings, rants and just my plain nonsense.
Till then,
Labels: quotes, read this first