Let me serenade the streets of L.A.
Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 21:48
Famous cause we program worldwide.
@ 21:08

Kept on going to 484 these past few days. HAHA. Manja is damn nice! Hahah and I think Faez and Farez are becoming quite cute and hot despite them being two years younger than me. There's two of them some more! (Twins uh.) Hahah I don't mind dating them
you know HEEE. Wen Qi told me all my stories are about guys. Wah I can't help it okay! But you have to admit, I do have nice taste in guys, and music. Sheet, did I just announce it to the whole world? Anyway, I saw Halifi today! He's quite a big boy already, he grew up zomg. He's P5 btw. And I chased after his bicycle. Which proves I'm a good runner. Heh, ego I know. But still, not many
girls people can chase after bikes and actually catch up. Which in the end proves I rule. I miss my 484 times, why can't I just move back there again? D: (Hahah but to top today off, the guy in the white tee was quite hot ^^ Eh, Mur, Sara, what's his name ah?)
Btw, I wanna somehow turn
Indie. -dies- Need to go shopping when I get moolah. Which is like,
never. -dies again-
Labels: 484, change, die, good taste, hot guys
Security without any doubts.
Sunday, April 26, 2009 @ 00:09
Never knew these ironies of living free.
Saturday, April 25, 2009 @ 23:29

Today was total speech
fail for me and Sab. D: Hahha we were super boring la. We
blanked out. Sorry ah, we not guys ah. Cannot be as lame in public la. But I really want to be in a band. HAHAH, I shall go guitar classes and go find a band. Heh. Today was quite pffft somewhere towards the end. Shall
not elaborate.
Labels: pissifying, YMC
I try so hard to be like you.
Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 22:43
Hahah OMG I LOVE MY COUNTER. It's going by like 20s and 30s everyday! KEEP THE TAGS COMING AH! HAHAH OMG LOVE YOU READERZX!
Labels: counter
The rhyme has changed.
@ 21:36
Yes, I like to eat people. :DI was so accident prone today. Okay firstly, pickle ball. (Is that how you spell it?) Okay hell yea, it was awesome! Cause I played with Kah Min and I was practically running around. I felt so good! Hahah cause I was actually exercising O: But then, as I was fanning myself with the whaddya call that? The pickle? Yeah, so I was fanning myself with it cause the sun was being utterly mean and guess what. I hit my chin with it. Hahaha but see, no one knew! Cause I refrained from saying 'Shit!' too loudly. Hee.
And secondly, in class, I hit my forehead on the teacher's table. I swear there's a freaking bruise above my left eye right now. And thirdly, when I bent down to get my wallet, I dropped it, my rib cracked. It cracked. Damn pain, ohmygosh, I thought like my rib broke or something cause it hurt so bad. I bent down right? Rib cracked and I remained squatting for a while. Luckily it happened at home. If not. Tsk. I hope I'm not as accient prone tomorrow. D:
Labels: accidents
It's alright, it's okay.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 19:36

Disappointed but proud. Disappointed but proud. I'm proud of AngKulz to have made it this far. We all enjoyed it I'm sure I did. Even Mdm Nisa and Mr Very said it was our best performance yet. Quote, unquote, Mr Very:
If I was a girl, I'd cry. It means our performance was freaking awezome. We all felt it, right? Okay so don't stop shaking those Angklungs and hitting those Kulintangs. Sigh, damned. Aku ingatkan kita dah sah dapat gold. Just so you know, we got
Silver. Better than bronze right? And congrats to RG for achieving
Gold! Go SABZX! GO MSA2 PK-ers! HAHA. ♥
Nishan, is your leg okay? I hope it is. Hope that wound gets well soon :D
Labels: AngKulz, congrat, Singapore Youth Festival
And now I feel like I'm losing my mind.
@ 05:13

BOUNCE, MOVE, SWAY, SMILE, GRIN, JUST SMILE, AND ENJOY. As Mdm Nisa said, satisfy ourselves! We know we can get clinch the Gold, so why don't we perform our utmost best today? And we hell won't screw it up and I won't miss my notes or hit the wrong chords, so y'all better make sure you guys don't too.
I hope I don't get pissed today. I hope SHE doesn't piss me off today. Pffft.Oh, and don't ask me why I'm up at 5 to blog. I'm just a little early today. The excitement got to me ;D
Labels: goodlucks
So I'll throw my thoughts into the sea.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 @ 21:20

Okay, you get it I know fine. Finally all my days in angklung is gonna come down to this moment. This one moment! ZOMG. Oh and I've never been to SYF before, this my first. Amazing right. Somehow this SYF reminds me of my time in CCKPS School Ensemble.
Gayness I know. I quit it cause hahah, I wanted to. Smart right? I know -beams-
It was the Secondary Fours last day today. OMG I'll miss them so much. And then, gasp, sec threes are the seniorest of seniors O:
GASP.Anyway Mdm Nisa's closing speech:
(roughly? Not accurate sorry!)"Before I go, I would like to tell you one last thing. When I first came in here, in the beginning of last year, I was scared, nervous. I didn't know what was your standard, I didn't know how you like to play. But now, after one and a half years of teaching you all, I feel very grateful, very thankful that I got you all."
Labels: Kulintanklung♥, Mdm Nisa, Singapore Youth Festival
Can't you hear me when I'm screaming?
Monday, April 20, 2009 @ 19:51

Hahahah I am so smart. I locked myself out of my house today, I had to ask my aunt's tenant to help me open the gate. Lol I'm such a selenger.
Anyway, I think Lily Allen is damn cute. Hahah go watch this. I can't embed it cause "Embedding disabled by request" -.-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JbieSOsMIkTHIRD NIPPLE HAHAHHA.
Labels: hilarious, Lily Allen, selenger
Oh baby, baby, drink the poison.
@ 13:04
[/edit] So, I arrived in school a little past eleven. I still came to school O: Anyway, so I woke up late today. About 15 minutes late, alarm didn't wake me up. A while later, while leaving the house, I realized, it's the phone, the phone wasn't ringing. So basically, I was setting a silent alarm. How useful. And then reached Polyclinic and the lady at the Health For Life counter told me they needed an adult to be there because I am underaged. I was cursing okay. I almost cried. I mean, I badly badly want to go OBS and to school.
Then I had an idea, I called Cik Dah up, since Ayah was at work. O: And Cik Dah came, I am indebted to her. O: Finally, I was able to do something. Hahah check height and weight. I LOST 2KG! I mean since the time I had fever. From 48 kg to 45.7 kg, omg I feel so high. And light, duh of course. Ahahaha, height ah, "coughdidntgrowcough" ah. But nehmind, I lost weight :D And then finally met the doctor to confirm all allergies/ health history etc etc. And when the doctor asked me "Do you have any allergies? Like food allergies?" My aunt was like "Yeah, she got. She only eats nice food." Haha, lame but hahaha.
Then, I had to go home to get my health booklet and all along I was like "This is fcuking infuriating." A problem after another. And finally, when I got on the bus to school, it was like zoooom all the way! Hahaha I was super happy okay! No red lights O: And I got to school.
Anyway, a riddle for you :D
A man is walking along a beach, he looks tires. He asks a fisherman if there's seaweed in the sea. The fisherman says, "No.." The man kills himself. Why did he kill himself? What happened?
Have fun guessing. If you have my email, msn me okay, later tagboard everyone can see. Hahah and you can only ask me yes or no questions. :D
Labels: high, infuriating, riddle
Trust the speed, trust the light.
Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ 23:04

Someone tell me how how? I'm going for check up in the morning and I have to hand in form by afternoon! HOWWWW?! And shit, I didn't do any homework. D: God, I'm damn stressed just thinking about it. D:
Labels: check up, homework
Running, running as best as you can.
@ 21:18
Labels: fear
You say all the things I want to hear.
@ 18:20

Yesterday was super fun! Again, thanks for the pictures Alyssa! Oh and I might not be coming to
school tomorrow, cause I'm going for the OBS check-up and I don't want to trouble myself to get the latecoming slip thingy.
But I'll be coming for
cca because SYF's on Wednesday (!!) and because I still need to hand up my OBS form. School ends at two, so I'll come at 2.15 :D Heh.
And I realized I've been absent for Mondays and Mondays only O:
Dear Nose,
STOP RUNNING! You're killing me you know! D:
And that ass wants to wear a skimpy short dress that looks damn minah and says her friends didn't say anything when she wore that dress. WTH, her friends are this close to being labeled as minahs themselves la. Big deal shit manzx. AND SHE BLAMES ME WTHZX.Labels: pissed, ponning, runny nose
A voyeur with wings flashes a cure.
Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 20:36

Today was gooood. Hahaha very very fun. Speech day was scary, Ms Evelyn Norris was there! So cool right! Haha and our performance was the finale so we had to wait for super long before we could go off. We looked so funny standing there, smiling non-stop. Like mannequins I tell you. Mannequins that fidget though :D
After the performance, I wanted to go to ORA but I had no idea how to get to RJC nor was anyone free to go pick me up from Bishan, so I decided to lepak with the Angklung people instead. Hahah basically, Alyssa, Nurul, Adlina, Aishah, Dian, Maisarah and Fatin la. Met Gerger at Redhill MRT and met Niveetha on the train to Bugis :D Niveetha looks super mattish la. Hahah ate at LJ at Bugis. Sat with Nurul, Gerger and the Indian mat. HAHAH. The Ice Milo was goood. So were the chips and fries. OH AND GERGER ACTUALLY ATE HER TWO PIECE CHICKEN IN TEN MINUTES :O Actually the fries and one and a half chicken but still! Improvement manzxz! Really! Hahah kudoss!
Then after eating, we all went out in the alley to take a lot of farney pictures. And then the rest went home so only the sec threes were left. Hahah we were all like, let's go to the next lane! And then Nurul bought her Doby (sp?) and she was super happy. Hahaha. It was quite cheap eh and I am happy for you Nurul! Camwhored like crazy all the way. I like. Thanks for the pictures Alyssa! :D And then the Indian mat hit her head against the hand dryer in the toilet. KARMA I tell you! XD Oh and did I tell you, all of us were sweating like pigs. Really, it was indirectly exercise. O: So we decided to go somewhere cooler, and decided to go Vivo.
Oh and the way to Bugis MRT, I saw Farah. She looked so drained D: Cheer up okay? Sorry I didn't follow you to Bahas >.< > Then vivo-ed with the rest. Hahah it was so hot on the sky park so we decided to just sit somewhere near the Sentosa line there, you know the big space near some food court? Yeah, there. We were all so dead so we talked about random stuff? Yes, about OBS too. O: Horror stories. About how we will try to capsize a raft in deep water O: And about how your parents can't sue OBS even if you die. O: O: O: O: But I still wanna go anyway. I hope I don't get bimbos as my teammates, if not it will
not be fun D:
And finally, we camwhore a little bit more and then we went home :D 61-ed home with Addie and hahah I overslept by one stop so had to walk all the way back. Lol, my fault la, I was damn tired already xD Aw man, I was super sad the day was over. It was so fun! Got home, hahha com-ed and then slept like a pig. I am still a bit tired. Thanks for yesterday pea-polez! ♥ (Maybe today's outing is to make up for the outing that I didn't go to on Friday hahah awww.)
Labels: fun day, Kulintanklung♥, outing, Speech Day, wordy
Mr. c-o-o-l at all the shows.
Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 20:21
BOOBNOOB WANTS ME TO HELP HER. HAHAHA NUUUUUUUUB. And talking about boob, Ruo Zhen called me a boob this morning, and I have no idea how she got influenced. I didn't even call my classmates boob O:
(Oh and for my own reference, this is the skin with white background for entries and all, and a black background background, with entries, tag, etc and link in bright different colours. And with the heading 'It's all in good fun.' :D)Labels: awezome, new skin
I liked reality better when it was a dream.
@ 17:47

Woahh hahahaha I'm listening to like a lot of hardcore music now and I like what I'm listening to a lot. Okay so today, I wanted to pon Angklung, hahah cause Kah Min and Si Hui and Wen Qi were going out to search for cosplay costumes! I wanted to go okay! Like badly wanted to go O: And then I realized, I'm broke. Hahah so no luck there, went to Angklung. Thank god Angklung was a bit slack for Kulintang people, if not I'd fainted. Hahah the bajus were super glittery! I like! But I still think the red glitter hairband is much more prettier than the shiny gold one D:
And then trained home and at Bukit Batok MRT, I saw four damn hot guys and all of them were carrying guitars! O: They just got on the platform and I was heading for the stairs, and then right as soon as I saw them, I turned my head the other direction and was "Fuck, hot sia." Lol, so minah-ish, I KNOW. But. They. Were. So. Hot. And I could tell I was blushing cause I was grinning like a madwoman. HAHA. But I soon got over it. Sigh, cause they went off D:
I want to buy a hell lot of band tees! And I know where to get cheap ones heh. I'm gonna start saving up <3>
Labels: Angklung, band tees, hot guys
Running to the future.
Thursday, April 16, 2009 @ 21:38
Omg hahah I can still remember the first time I saw you! Lol it was on (my) earliest possible train ride to Redhill and then I was like thinking "Eh she's from RGS, maybe she knows Murnira" Hahahah and you did! And I asked you to help me pass a letter to Mur, hahhaha I was so darned shameless O: Then I really knew you during YMC and such. It was so awezome hahahah. You are damn nice and tall (!!) Hahhaha and I think you were one of those who belanja-ed me a lot last year, so thanks thanks :D Even if you're not, I thank you in advance first ah, heee XD Happy Fifteenth! And don't stop being supporting and all. Don't be emo so much okay, it has an impact on us all. O: Okay hahaha done~
Labels: birthday
I'm the one with the guns in my hands
@ 12:15
I am super disappointed in you. Please please please, for god's sake, buck up. It's not the best year to actually go loiter around Orchard till like midnight or so. Not at all. If you fail this year's national exams, don't expect me to treat you like someone worth talking to. And don't you give me that attitude cause it's your fault and you know it, you just don't want to. And, honestly, you looked like some minah and Orchard is overrated. And FIFTEEN BUCKS?! Talk about money appreciation siaaaaa.
I wanted to post this with the previous post but a sad post shouldn't come with a happy post XDLabels: disappointing
I think your brain got lost in the airwaves
@ 11:50
Ms Sim: -sees Ms Azrina walking around- Eh, Ms Azrina! Why you walking around?
Ms Azrina: One of my girls is missing. My Agnes is missing. -panicky-
Ms Sim: Eh? My Belinda also missing! -walks out of class-
Pure Chem class: -silence- HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA~
Ms Sim: Aiyoh, where that Belinda go ah?
Someone: I heard Belinda wants to transfer back to G1.
Ms Sim: That Belinda ah, I feel like kicking her butt. Kick her butt all the way to China!
Pure Chem class: HAHAHAHAHAA~
Ms Sim was super
wack entertaining yesterday :D Hahaha okay not using my computer so I can't really upload any pictures :D Anyway, I don't think I can go to ORA D: I finish quite late and no one will can pick me up from Bishan MRT (since I don't know how the hell to get to RJ). Hahah lol, and anyway if I go, I'll be so radiant cause I don't think I'll thoroughly was off my make up from Speech Day performance. Haha. Radiant *.* I should really learn how to save up, need to buy cosplay costume soon D:
Labels: damn farney to the max
Have you ever lost your mind?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 @ 00:36

I actually enjoy doing schoolwork. O: Especially AMaths on remainder theorem. Call me crazy but it's super interesting and relatively easy to do! Compared to roots or something. And Chemistry, I want to do more experiments. Sheet I should be going to sleep now. Later tomorrow I'll oversleep on the bus. O: My American Heart is damn nice! And No Doubt too!
I feel like changing my blogskin again soon. Hahah.
Labels: homework, Ryo Nishikido
And it's colder than I ever thought it would be.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 18:27

Okay so I finally ate my blue lollipop today :D And I finally understood AMaths, I am super proud of myself. VERY OKAY! I understood division of polynomials and remainder theorem! How cheem but still! O: Hahah and I managed to postpone my Elect Geog test to tomorrow, cause I just found out last night. So need to study study, a lot to study manzx. It was International Friendship Day today by the way, and what the hell were we doing studying in class? IFD's used to be way grander and more noticed when I was in Sec Two! (Grammar sounds wrong I know, screw it manzx.)
Important! -[for whole week.]
Do 4.3 and 4.4 first. (Amaths.) by tomorrow. Except two three questions I got wrong.
Do 7.4 (Emaths) by tomorrow. Done!
Study for Elect Geog Test by tomorrow.
Do Chem worksheet by tomorrow. Left one more w/s
Do karangan on daun dapat dilayangkan, getah jatuh ke perdu juga by ThursdayStudy for SS Graded Assignment on ThursdayStudy for Literature test on Thursday
Study Chapter 3, 4 and 5 for Physics Test on Friday HAHAH screwed it. HAHAH.
I realized I never do cancel
everything out. Geez, must learn how to complete to-do lists efficiently. O: And thanks Jie'R for the good luck note! I'll keep it as a memorial ;D Plus I finally saw the new girl and she doesn't look mean, she's just very quiet haha. I shall be nice
r to her :D When I pluck up the courage to talk properly to her and not just avoid her. LULZX.
I Love You Ahem I meant, I should start exercising more. Got carried away by the movie title hurhur.
당신은 정말 매력적이에요, 난 그냥 죽어 버렸을. You are online! O:P.P.P.S I should stop P.S-ing haha.
Labels: new girl, P.S, tests, thanks, To-do list
But we were stowaways.
Monday, April 13, 2009 @ 19:31
Koped from Sab :D
Using ONLY SONG TITLES from ONE artist, and using each title only ONCE, cleverly answer these questions:
Pick a band/artist: The Used
Chose 'em cause they have a lot of songs :D1.Are you a male or female: I'm A Fake
Hahahah I'm definitely female. Lawl 2.Describe yourself: Pretty Handsome Awkward
TALK ABOUT EGO SEH. HAHHAAH.3.How do you feel about yourself: Poetic Tragedy
I'm a tragedy sometimes. Sigh.4.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Say Days Ago
IF I had an ex, that'd mean that my ex is the past no?5.Describe your current boy/girl situation: Choke Me
Basically means it kills. And I don't want to talk about it.
6.Describe your current location: A Box Full Of Sharp Objects
Yes tests here, tests there, tests everywhere D:7.Describe where you want to be: Greener With The Scenery
I want to be in the Swiss Alps or something! Not stuck in a freaking busy city O:8.Your best friend is: The Bird & The Worm
I make friends with animals :D And creepy crawlies apparently.9.Your favorite color is: Blue And Yellow
SCHOOL COLOURS! XD10.You know that: I Caught Fire
Always. Sighhhhh!11.What's the weather like: Lunacy Fringe
It's been raining on all the wrong times. O:12.If your life was a television show what would it be called: The Ripper.
Hahah I don't know why XD13. What is life to you: Find A Way
You have to find everything out yourself.14.The best advice you have to give is: Slit Your Own Throat
Since when did I give out advices? zD15.If you could change your name what would you change it to: Hard To Say.
Something like phenolphthalein? Hahaha. Hard to say what.Labels: quiz
Cause lately I've been tired and uninspired.
Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 21:31
Movie review:
The Devil Wears Prada
Honestly, the book was way better. Like wayyy better!

Firstly, somehow, I thought Meryl Streep didn't suit Miranda Priestly. She looked to grandmotherly to be Miranda, maybe because I've watched Mamma Mia before this and her image of being a fairly hilarious person stuck on to me. But she did a good job of Miranda nonetheless. I thought Sharon Stone could have done a better job, seeing how she acted as the bad person in Catwoman.
Secondly, the Christian Thompson was. so. not. hot. LIKE NOT HOT AT ALL. HE WAS SO HOT IN THE BOOK! How come he isn't hot in the movie? I was looking forward to the part he comes in, but he was so not hot! WHY?! Simon Baker is so not hot. Really. WHYYY?! I was looking forward to like the guy being Chad Michael Murray in my head. Adee thought that blonde-haired Chase Crawford or blond-haired Ethan Hawke would have fit the role. The point is, Christian Thompson was supposed to be hot like
hot hot. Not just ordinary hot but hot, crush worthy, heart melting HOT! Girls should get what I mean. But still, this part was a disappointment. D:
absolutely die to get like Chanel and Gucci and Versace and Jimmy Choo(!!) and Prada and Louis Vuitton in
my wardrobe. Not that my wardrobe is big to begin with. Okay not like I have a whole wardrobe to myself to begin with. But trust me, when I grow up I am gonna own those kind of stuff, I might want to work as an assisstant. Hurhur. But shit I need to learn not to give up easily manzx. I need to work hard to get stuff. And when I actually do get those clothes, I'm gonna have it altered to make me look tall. Three-inch heels? A must O: (Sucks being short)

Fourthly, Anne Hathaway totally fit as Andrea Sachs. She's awesome, and I love her. End of story. I'd like to meet her someday too.
Fifthly, the story wasn't as good as the one in the book. They left out a lot of parts. And especially the part of Andy walking out screaming at Miranda telling Miranda that she is nothing like her part. Okay wait re-enactment.
Miranda: You know you remind me of when I was young. I used to be like you. (For the umpteenth time)
Andrea: I AM NOTHING LIKE YOU! -stomps heels and leaves place-
Yes, the one she got fired for. After the Paris trip I think. The part where she gives three homeless people Starbucks every day while she was working at Runway because she knew she could bill it to Runway. Since when did Emily get hit by a car? I just knew she got hit. And Christian Thompson was supposed to be hot.
Okay Harper's Island is on. Bye bye~
Labels: movie review
A simple kind of life.
@ 14:26

Sometimes I really hate life. I mean it's this never ending thing where weekends are never enough and you have tons of homework apart from the tons of tests coming up. Really it's hardly near a Jun Pyo/ Yi Jun/ Woo Bin/ Ji Hoo life. Or Jan Di's actually, after she got to know F4. I should really stop watching dramas that make me feel I should quit school. Really D: I finally caught ToGetHer last night and I think Jiro should cut off a bit hair, he looks uhm fat in long sideburns. So yeah hahah. All the dramas I watch are like those that happens in school, I mean I am schooling and it's nowhere near
that. Aiyoh. I should really stop watching such dramas and leave after my O levels to do my drama catching up. Hurhur.
On the bright side, I'm at macs and I'm hungry. Really hungry. Growl.
Labels: hungry, sad
F- My Life
Saturday, April 11, 2009 @ 15:29

Lol I love it when Ga Eul's eyes light up :D And not to mention that Yi Jung is super crush worthy, read the re-caps now watching the drama again. Damn A Maths, I'll do it tomorrow sudah. Me is dead for sure D:
Fmylife.com is total reading pleasure♥
Today, I got back my math test. Instead of taking the time to mark the mistakes, my professor just circled the bottom half of the page and wrote "OMG." FML" [I can't imagine that person's paper XD]
Today, at lunch I was running to my group's table with my friend. She accidentally tripped me, and I slid across the café floor face first on my belly. The whole cafeteria was silent. They then broke out in hysterics when the head janitor ran up to me and yelled 'SAFE!' like a baseball umpire. FML" [HAHAHAH CLASSIC EPIC MAN I LOVE THIS!]
Today, it was really windy and rainy causing me to trip and knock into a little kid. While still gathering myself, I apologized and patted the kid on its' head. Then I see people around me starting to laugh. I turn and look at the kid, and discover I've been interacting with a trash can. FML"
Today, I was walking out of a Starbucks and saw someone walking out behind me, thinking it would be the nice thing to do I held the door open. I was holding the door for about 30 seconds before realizing I was holding the door for my own shadow. FML"
Labels: Boys Before Flowers, fmylife
Staring at the blank page before you.
@ 09:08

I should
really stop thinking about CL and her freaking killer words and what I could have done differently to avoid that eeek(!) situation. Damn it. Off to mummy's for now. Geez, a ton of Amaths to do D:
Labels: stressed
Up your ass.
Thursday, April 9, 2009 @ 10:50

FCUK.I hate you for taking away my green tea. I hope your child grows up hating you so much that you'd just want to die. Really, that's how much I hate you. And I know that it is definitely not pleasant if your child hates you, and says "
I HATE YOU" to your face. I sure hope she does that. Cause you're not worth pleasing or liking. She'll rebel, I tell you. Cause I just
cursed you. Ugh I HATE YOU (like any student likes you -snorts-) and I am not donating one buck to you for nothing,
damn you, I'm getting my green tea back. I have to pay for stuff you know, and I am not working. I can't afford to waste money on such useless thing. Damn you.
Labels: fcuk you
If we take off the make-up, you won't recognize us.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 @ 16:46

I'd do a picspam, but I have to do Malay! O: And who cares (seriously) if he's married? I'm still going to be his wife someday xD (right.)
Labels: Miyavi♥
Lucky to have been where I have been.
@ 12:48

Yesterday I got lost trying to find UCC. I had to ask three, THREE, people for directions. And I bet Insyirah would have said I looked like a kid trying to run away from home again (long story). I'd like to thank the lady who took time off and lent me her phone even though she was rushing to a lecture. Thank you so much! I'd be totally lost and well, lost without you around. And to the others too, thanks. On that last stretch of directions, I (guilty) cried. Cause I was gonna miss their performance. I really did okay. Damn sad. Sigh. I finally found the building. And apparently, the back door. I was trying to figure out how to get in when RG came out. Ironic: I came only when they finished D: Okay truthfully, I didn't think it was RG, I saw maked-up faces and I was like "Alamak, minahs. Sheet, how to cabut?" Hahah and then I realized it was not cause I saw Mur :D Hahahahah. I amuse myself.
Aw man. I missed their performance. So after that, me and Sara 96-ed and 106-ed to Bukit Batok. I saw Abang Ajai (??) at the bus stop, and he remember's me as Adilah's adik. Wow. I thought he'd remember me as Azmi's anak or Zaiton's anak. Lawl. Reminds me I need to go Nenek's house soon and play with Hitam :D Yeah we ate at KFC West Mall and I wasted two bucks for my KFC Hot Milo and cup. The cup is really pretty! Except now they don't have a proper stirrer. What shit. Pfft. Shall go to the Parkway Parade one soon again :D And then Sara went on to buy Takoyaki at the food fair outside West Mall. It was horrible. Go check moonayye, there's a whole post there by Aiba chan. Hahah damn cute eh when she's angry! She was like "Can I go up there, NOW, and demand them to eat what they made?" "I wasted two freaking bucks on something so not worth eating!" "AND LOOK AT THE FUCKING LINE!" "Even my brother makes better Takoyakis!" Hahaha but seriously, it was horrible. It tasted like, eeargh and the spring onions weren't enhancing the taste at all. Geez, I mean customer service is good for business, but isn't quality product that starts you off.
Sara: If Oh-chan were to ever come to Singapore, I would not get him that Takoyaki!
Me: Yeah and when you give it to him, he'll run away from you.
Me: And will probably not want to talk to you ever again.
Sara: Exactly!
Me: But see ah, if you give him such a bad takoyaki, he'll probably remember you for life! Since not many people bring bad takoyaki. And if you bring him good takoyaki, he won't remember you because it's one of those many good ones.
Sara: Uh, yeah. XDFever got to my head :D I'm wack. Still.
Labels: too lazy to label
It must be hard, living tired in your shoes.
Monday, April 6, 2009 @ 12:23

Sorry for not blogging for three days. Been quite sick. Thanks to Atikah for helping me out on Friday. :D Yeah, I left school early, with a temp of 37.6 degrees Celsius. Sucks okay. Then when I went to the doctor's later on, the temperature went up to 39.6. And then on Saturday, I was supposed to go for E Geog lesson, but I couldn't even get up! My head was like spinning atrociously and then my temperature went up by 0.2 degrees! I felt like dying. And to eat, I had to make Dayan get the food for me and I ate in bed. It was that bad. And haha after I bathed, I had to comb my hair right. Then I was just combing the first(!!) stroke, there was a tangled bunch and I forced my comb and it broke. My comb broke. And now I need to get a new one. But I loved my comb. I even wrote, aki ♥ miyavi on it okay. And a lot of people knows how conscious I am about my hair. Pfft. Yeah so, I totally laid on my bed the whole day for Saturday. Sunday also. Until my dad came back and told me to bathe to clear my headache. Still did not work but my headache wasn't as bad as before. So here I am.
My head still half hurts. And I'm freaking craving for chicken noodles.
Labels: craves, sick
Don't cry now.
Thursday, April 2, 2009 @ 21:40

I feel quite horrible today. Started coughing the moment classes ended. Still coughing by the way. D: Okay, Angklung was rather good today, we saw improvements, more movement and all. Awezome. Me love you AngKuls♥ 10 more practice hours to SYF. OH and guess who's on the content page of the yearbook! ^^ hahahah Hint: *coughmecough* Told ya I'm sick. xD
Anyway, I have a date with Sabrina jr. tomorrow, she's gonna show me pics of this hot Korean guy from her Primary School, way before she 'fell' for M Haha. I am so awezome. Lawl. I've been feeling damn sleepy these past few days and I don't like it. It's like when I get to class, I zonk out. D: Dayemn, I'm sleepy bye. I promise a real update, soon, I hope.
Labels: Kulintanklung♥, sick, Singapore Youth Festival, zonk