Don't stop now! Jump jump!
Sunday, August 30, 2009 @ 22:48
I realized my blog meter keeps jumping.
Sincerely, thanks for reading my blog, taking time off from what you're doing to see what I'm up to :D
Thank you! Keep reading hahhaa Lovelove.

Or maybe

I can't tell which one I love more. Sadly. Ah, I'll just go with both pairings.
Ooh irresistable. Hahaha WHOOPZX.
Labels: GTOP, Junba, thank you
Too fast to live too young to die.
@ 15:52
For the first time this whole fasting month, I'm going out to break fast hahah okay okay. Talk to you all later, btw, I think I updated LJ, go see xD Luvluv. Meanwhile enjoy these pictures of GD, my current idol. I really wanna be like him man. (Ah shix if only I can put gifs on blogger. Gah)

Reminds me of
Aiba O.O

Labels: fangirling, Kwon Jiyong
You're my heartbreaker.
Thursday, August 27, 2009 @ 12:41
Life has been pretty mundane. Oh wow the joy. ZOMG I MISS A LOT OF PEOPLE. Like my best friends and all. Sad sad. And since I can't go on Saturday, I'll have to wish this bitch a happy early birthday! xD
Labels: ameera, birthday
Never falling.
Sunday, August 23, 2009 @ 16:04
(Oh my god, my mouth is watering already! Yum)
Number Five:
Condensed MilkI know that this is a weird choice for a craving, but it's so sweet that I can't resist it!And yes. eating a lot of this might make me get a high risk of diabetes. Oh well :}Number Four:
RedbullOh yes, the drink that gives you wiiings!I just drank it quite recently so I don't really crave it that badly,but a craving's still a craving :D
And I want the non carbonated version.
Number Three:
Hotcakes/ PancakesHonestly, I couldn't decide what to put for Number Three, but I finally chose hotcakes cause well, last night, I dreamt I was eating it. Damn nice. AND LOOK AT THE MAPLE SYRUP ON THAT GODDAMN THING.Number Two:
LasagnaAH, Garfield's favourite! I've been craving for this layers of cheese and meat since god knows when!And the sauce, ZED OH EM GEE, perfecto~
(I hope there's Lasagna for one of the break fasts this month yeapzx)
Number One:
Kinder BuenoI just need a Kinder Bueno okay! Plus, these chocolate bars are bloody cheap so if anyone could be as kind as to get me just one packet, I'll be your humble servant 8DBut only if you give it to me like about...RIGHT. NOW.Oh wait by the time you get to Number One, right now is over :D
Happy fasting all Muslims :DLabels: craves, food
Choking on your fear.
Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 13:27

In spite of the happy pictures you see up there...
I'm feeling like awesome crap right now and that everything in my life that could go wrong right now, is going absolutely wayward.
For starters, my dad saw the messages I sent to Nasri and now he doesn't trust me. Wow. Thanks for being such an understanding father. Then there's my aunt. She's making me pay two bucks fifty for an hour use of the computer. I am not gonna fight not gonna fight, cause I absolutely hate hate hate hate hate and am repulsed at the idea of tension. Then there's my younger sister, who's being such an annoying brattish mini minah and I feel like really punching her and throwing her out the window, as I said somewhere before windows aren't locked and she's light, and laughing at her breaking all her bones. Then there's my elder sister who thinks she's too busy to help fold the clothes and I, fortunately, has to fold everything else! And guess whose clothes I have to fold! Yes, my dad's! He even wears more clothes than me, a teenage girl, on a weekly basis! And I wonder why the hell do I actually bother my dad's clothes since he just grounded me for a fucking week till next Sunday just because I texted a guy! I'm not supposed to blog or facebook either but honestly. And then there's school. I feel like crap this week cause I am so broke and I don't feel good without any money around. Oh and common tests results. Oh wow I failed Chemistry and now not only is Miss Sim disappointed in me, I'm disappointed in myself for not having worked harder. And all the other passes I got were borderline passes. Very disappointing aki. Oh and what about my immune system? Oh well, runny nose, my eyes feel damn sore, I lost my voice three times yesterday! If I don't get a fever, that may be the only miracle I'm getting this week. Oh and on top of that, we're fasting. It's only almost two and I am damn hungry. Hallelujah. Thumbs up for my life right now. Oh, I enjoy it so much.RUNNY NOSE! NOT. HELPING. On the bright side, I realized I can look like GD, cause we're both chubby and I kinda have his Lollipop hair 8D
Labels: oh wow, rant, sarcasm
To die a tragedy.
Friday, August 21, 2009 @ 22:07
I'm gonna be away from blog, twitter, facebook, anything cyber for a week. Till next Sunday. Very long story. Sigh. Oh and texting too. So I'll be very uncontactable, meanwhile, my blog counter keeps on going up, I realized, thanks you all loyal readers hahaha. I sound so popz. zD Okay till then, before dad finds out and makes me delete my lovely and amazing blog >< >
Labels: cyber existence
Why can't we keep on trying?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 08:48
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GD!Hey Kwon Ji Yong if you see this, happy twenty first! Hard to believe you're only twenty one cause you've achieved so much! I wanna be like you one day :D And now here's a picspam of your awesome adorability! Hahah what a word. I love your style and your music, keep on doing your best! Love you!
Aren't these pictures just damnnnn adorable!

And this makes me go whooo, damn he's hot!
Thank god I knew him before his birthday more reasons to celebrate, I guess hahah :D ARASHI'S TENTH ANNIVERSARY SOON OMG OMG! YAY! And pardon me if the pictures are just mostly icons, I ain't that free yet you know xD
Labels: birthday, G-Dragon♥
Oh Oh Only for you.
Saturday, August 15, 2009 @ 12:52
It might just be me, but I think their chest bumps at
1:21 - 1:24 are fucking hot. Ttm. AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEIR DANCE LIKE ZOMG. Mur hahahah you learn the choregraphy then teach me can 8D I suck at taking out the dance moves myself, and I promise I will work hard for his dance -determined face-
Btw, I change blogsongs again. To 2NE1's In The Club and Let's Go Party, Big Bang's Gara Gara Go and Last Farewell and obvsly, Suju's Neorago :D You guys should totally melt at In The Club's lyrics, Last Farewell's lyrics, and Neorago's lyrics! Damn damn damnn sweeet! And I realized I'm far away from Arashi already... oh well. :D
My aunt thought I was watching Jonas' Brothers when actually I was watching the above video. My instant reaction? "EW WHAT THE HELL JONAS BROTHERS ARE DISGUSTING."
Ah maybe.
Labels: dance moves, MV, Super Junior
Let's go party, now work that body.
Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 19:16

Labels: fangirling, G-Dragon♥
Wave your hands like you just don't care.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ 16:06

I need perfect CL bangs. Like zomg.
Labels: hair
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 20:01
(I don't even know if that made sense)
I'm so sorry but I love you da geojismar.
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 16:44
Sheldon: Hold on! HOLD ON!
Leslie: What?
Sheldon: Who told you you could touch my board?
Leslie: No one.
Sheldon: Well I don't come into your house and touch your board.
Leslie: There are no incorrect equations on my board.
-Sheldon stares at Leslie-
-Leonard stares at Sheldon-
Sheldon: Oh, that is so.... so...
-Leonard stares at Sheldon-
Leslie: I'm sorry, I've gotta run. If you come up with an adjective, text me.
Raj: Or we could walk right behind each other all night. It would look like one person going really fast.
Raj: Can we make a decision fast? Not only are children starving in India, there's an Indian starving right here.
Leonard: Yes Sheldon. How about we go for Indian food?
Oh and Penny in the Big Bang Theory is Kaley Cuoco, hahah she acted in 8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter xD Loved that show!
So untrue.
Labels: Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, outdated
Let the passion of your hear make them real.
@ 12:55
Ah damn damn damn I really really wanted to go yesterday and now I feel like my this year's National Day was a total bore. And now I am so bored, but I know I have to study for Geog tmr. Bloody school.
AH kay off to go gallivanting in my aunt's car. Bye. Don't text me, not bringing phone. Byez.
All the voices mistaken.
Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 14:39
Credits: HazwaniOkay so Ak performance, I screwed up Pileuleuyan a bit whooopzz. Then after that rushed to Don't Forget The Lyrics thing, thanks AJ for letting me get the two lolli lolli OH LOLLIPOP(S)! I like xD And then had Amaths, was so bored that I resorted to drawing an octopus with five tentacles holding a gun and saying MOFO's WHAT UP hahaha. I'm so awesome 8D After school, I took a bus to Bukit Batok just to find out Nasri wanted to take me to Botanical Gardens. -.- Which happened to be quite near my school. o.O
After browsing around at Evolution Garden (I THOUGHT THERE WERE DINOSAURS THERE OKAY DAMN SADZ DON'T HAVE) we decided to join Ansar and Sara at Esplanade. Apparenly, Murnira, Amirah tall, Isdi and Anisa were there too xD And at 7, after bargaining with my father, I got an extension of 30 minutes. Oh and on the train home I helped a lady get to Bukit Batok CC :D Yay I'm awesome :D
Damn cute right!
Snow (L)Damn lazy morning, I was too beat to get up early Hahah so I left for moms house in the afternoon. Charko and Snow are super cute! Snow loves to bite my finger. hahah -meltz- But my little bitch still da best. Yes this little bitch. I'm gonna call her bitch from now on, she's getting more insane every day. HAHA
Over-shopped.Hahah went grocery shopping, and my dad was going on and on about how we should "get stuff that are really really necessary" and then my sisters were like "how about this or this or this" and my dad was like "Yeah sure wtv" hahahahahah damn funny.
Then there was this one damn funny part. My sister was sitting inside the trolley and so:
Me: "Ayah, how much does Diyana cost?"
Ayah: "Entah."
Don't know.Me: "Cause if she's expensive, we should put her back into the racks."
Ayah: "Yeah, aku tahu, later we put her back at the pram section."
Yeah I know...Diyana: "Hahah I only cost one dollar! -confidently-"
-a few seconds later-
Me: "CHEAPPPP ssssslutttt. HAHAHAHAHA"
Diyana: "Yeah I'm cheap -.-"
And then as we were paying, the register just kept on going up and up. At $50 I was already like O.O and then it went to $80 and I was like "Oh shit, we overspent like crazy!" and then it went to $100 and I was already like HELL NO. My eyes almost popped out of the sockets okay! I'm not used to spending so much money! (Total bill was $130) And then I saw Big Bang socks! OMG I REALLY WANTED TO BUY BUT GUESS WHICH IDIOT HAD ALREADY BEGGED HER DAD TO BUY HOT PINK SOCKS FOR HER. Yes yours truly :D Ah I want GD socks! So damnnn cuteee.
What should I do tomorrow:
1? Go out and go hoo hah hooray.
2? Mug for common tests (starting on Tuesday mind you)
3? Slack at home like I do evry holiday.
Number two would be a really wise choice. xD
Insanity, ah yes.
Labels: Charko, common tests, National Day, shopping, Snow, update
There are no raindrops on roses.
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @ 10:57

Sorry to be a naggy nanny, but:
- A moment of folly, a lifetime of regret.
- Actions bear consequences.
- What's done is done. (No use crying over spilt milk)
- Think before you speak/act, not act/speak what you think.
- Actions speak louder than words.
There, that's all I gotta say. (Dayemn, I am a naggy nanny. Ah vell.)
Yeah, there ain't.
That's not the way it's meant to be.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 20:16

I think I'm going on a hiatus soon. And no, I won't cyber-exist on my blog only, I guess. I'm still gonna be alive on twitter! Hahaha Tweet tweeet. TWEET WHORE. Love. Hahaha okay, maybe I'll still blog. I mean, I don't know hahahah. See first ah. :D
Yeah it's definitely not.
Labels: cyber existence, Twitter
Now don't you move.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 @ 10:20
My marriage plans:
One: Be a Taitai.
Two: Marry a career that I love.
Three: All of the above (BEST CHOICE EVER)
The future scares me to death :/ I don't want to grow up.
Labels: future
Do you know why?
Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 19:27
Omg, bitch shut up. It's my life. Honestly, why does it matter so much to you if I study or spend all my time on the computer? It's not like you're the one taking the exams. -rolls eyes- And I know when to stop. Hello.
Labels: bitch
Steal back my love.
Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 11:52
Hahhaha my mom was so irritating yesterday! But funny :D She was like "Times have changed! I want to know what you expect from a date!" And I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." And she started asking me about Nasri. So irritating you know. Hahahah, but yet again, amusing :D
Hey you. I think I trust you with my heart now (go awwww now. hahah) so you better not break it. If you do, well. Prepare for hell from me. Kay thankz. :D And no, I'm not changing my skin anytime sooner, so keep guessing what it is hahaha.
Labels: date, mom, N♥
Cold heart baby.
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 22:23
(HAHAH Like I ever will announce what happens publicly. That's suicide.) Let's just say I'm different ;D
Labels: amused